Difference between revisions of "Input Script"

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Line 132: Line 132:
0x9D  157  Right Control
0x9D  157  Right Control
0xB5  181  NUM/
0xB5  181  NUM/
0xB7  183  Print Screen
0xB8  184  Right Alt
0xB8  184  Right Alt
0xC5  197  Pause
0xC5  197  Pause

Revision as of 20:03, 17 November 2015

Input related functions. (These global functions require SKSE)


ScriptName Input



SKSE Global Functions

Bool IsKeyPressed(Int dxKeycode)
  • Returns whether a key is pressed
TapKey(Int dxKeycode)
  • Taps the specified key
HoldKey(Int dxKeycode)
  • Holds down the specified key until released
ReleaseKey(Int dxKeycode)
  • Releases the specified key
Int GetNumKeysPressed()
  • How many keys are pressed
Int GetNthKeyPressed(Int n)
  • For walking over the pressed keys
Int GetMappedKey(String Control, Int deviceType)
  • Returns dxKeycode bound to a control for given device
String GetMappedControl(Int keycode)
  • Returns the name of the control bound to the given keycode ("" if unbound)

Member Functions





 Hex  Dec  Button
0x01     1  Escape
0x02     2  1
0x03     3  2
0x04     4  3
0x05     5  4
0x06     6  5
0x07     7  6
0x08     8  7
0x09     9  8
0x0A    10  9
0x0B    11  0
0x0C    12  Minus
0x0D    13  Equals
0x0E    14  Backspace
0x0F    15  Tab
0x10    16  Q
0x11    17  W
0x12    18  E
0x13    19  R
0x14    20  T
0x15    21  Y
0x16    22  U
0x17    23  I
0x18    24  O
0x19    25  P
0x1A    26  Left Bracket
0x1B    27  Right Bracket
0x1C    28  Enter
0x1D    29  Left Control
0x1E    30  A
0x1F    31  S
0x20    32  D
0x21    33  F
0x22    34  G
0x23    35  H
0x24    36  J
0x25    37  K
0x26    38  L
0x27    39  Semicolon
0x28    40  Apostrophe
0x29    41  ~ (Console)
0x2A    42  Left Shift
0x2B    43  Back Slash
0x2C    44  Z
0x2D    45  X
0x2E    46  C
0x2F    47  V
0x30    48  B
0x31    49  N
0x32    50  M
0x33    51  Comma
0x34    52  Period
0x35    53  Forward Slash  
0x36    54  Right Shift
0x37    55  NUM*
0x38    56  Left Alt
0x39    57  Spacebar
0x3A    58  Caps Lock
0x3B    59  F1
0x3C    60  F2
0x3D    61  F3
0x3E    62  F4
0x3F    63  F5
0x40    64  F6
0x41    65  F7
0x42    66  F8
0x43    67  F9
0x44    68  F10
0x45    69  Num Lock
0x46    70  Scroll Lock
0x47    71  NUM7
0x48    72  NUM8
0x49    73  NUM9
0x4A    74  NUM-
0x4B    75  NUM4
0x4C    76  NUM5
0x4D    77  NUM6
0x4E    78  NUM+
0x4F    79  NUM1
0x50    80  NUM2
0x51    81  NUM3
0x52    82  NUM0
0x53    83  NUM.
0x57    87  F11
0x58    88  F12
0x9C   156  NUM Enter
0x9D   157  Right Control
0xB5   181  NUM/
0xB7   183  Print Screen
0xB8   184  Right Alt
0xC5   197  Pause
0xC7   199  Home
0xC8   200  Up Arrow
0xC9   201  PgUp
0xCB   203  Left Arrow
0xCD   205  Right Arrow
0xCF   207  End
0xD0   208  Down Arrow
0xD1   209  PgDown
0xD2   210  Insert
0xD3   211  Delete
0x100  256  Left Mouse Button
0x101  257  Right Mouse Button
0x102  258  Middle/Wheel Mouse Button
0x103  259  Mouse Button 3
0x104  260  Mouse Button 4
0x105  261  Mouse Button 5
0x106  262  Mouse Button 6
0x107  263  Mouse Button 7
0x108  264  Mouse Wheel Up
0x109  265  Mouse Wheel Down

Supported GamePad buttons:

0x10A  266  DPAD_UP
0x10B  267  DPAD_DOWN
0x10C  268  DPAD_LEFT
0x10D  269  DPAD_RIGHT
0x10E  270  START
0x10F  271  BACK
0x110  272  LEFT_THUMB
0x111  273  RIGHT_THUMB
0x112  274  LEFT_SHOULDER
0x113  275  RIGHT_SHOULDER
0x114  276  A
0x115  277  B
0x116  278  X
0x117  279  Y
0x118  280  LT
0x119  281  RT


  • The key codes are ordered as they appear on US QWERTY keyboards from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Other keyboards such as AZERTY, might not match up depending upon the key(s) in question.

See Also

RegisterForKey - Form OnKeyDown - Form OnKeyUp - Form