Perk Entry Point
Revision as of 00:45, 4 May 2012 by imported>Nullbear
A list of all the perk entry points.
Perk Entry Points
- Activate
- Adds a new choice to show in addition to the normal activation prompt
- Add Leveled List On Death
- Adjust Book Skill Points - Not Used?
- Adjust Limb Damage - Not Used
- Apply Bashing Spell
- Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully bashes him/her
- Apply Combat Hit Spell
- Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully hits him/her
- Apply Reanimate Spell
- Apply Sneaking Spell
- Applies a spell to the owner while sneaking. Beothia's Ebony Mail is a good example of this.
- Apply Weapon Swing Spell
- The target appears to gain a perk with 'Apply Combat Hit Spell' using the specified spell.
- Calculate Mine Explode Chance
- Calculate My Critical Hit Chance
- Calculate My Critical Hit Damage
- Calculate Weapon Damage
- Can Dual Cast Spell
- Can Pickpocket Equipped Item
- Filter Activation
- Get Max Carry Weight
- Get Should Attack
- Ignore Broken Lock
- Ignore Running During Detection
- Make Lockpicks Unbreakable
- Mod # Applied Enchantments Allowed
- Mod Armor Weight
- Mod Attack Damage
- Mod Bashing Damage
- Mod Bribe Amount
- Mod Detection Light
- Mod Detection Movement
- Mod Favor Points
- Mod Incoming Damage
- Adjusts the amount of damage taken by the perk owner.
- Mod Incoming Spell Duration
- Adjusts the duration of the spells applied to the perk owner.
- Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude
- Adjusts the magnitude of the spells applied to the perk owner.
- Mod Incoming Stagger
- Mod Percent Blocked
- Mod Player Intimidation
- Mod Player Reputation
- Mod Poison Dose Count
- Mod Power Attack Damage
- Mod Power Attack Stamina
- Mod Secondary Value Weight
- Mod Shield Deflect Arrows
- Mod Shout OK
- Mod Soul Gem Enchanting
- Mod Soul Gem Recharge
- Mod Spell Casting Sound Event
- Mod Spell Cost
- Mod Spell Duration
- Mod Spell Magnitude
- Mod Target Damage Resistance
- Mod Target Stagger
- Modify Addiction Chance
- Modify Addiction Duration
- Modify Alchemy Effectiveness
- Modify Armor Rating
- Modify Bow Zoom
- Modify Buy Prices
- Modify Commanded Actor Limit
- Modify Detection Sneak Skill
- Modify Enchantment Power
- Modify Enemy Critical Hit Chance
- Modify Falling Damage
- Modify Ingredients Harvested
- Modify Initial Ingredient Effects Learned
- Modify Lockpick Level Allowed
- Modify Lockpick Sweet Spot
- Modify Lockpicking Crime Chance
- Modify Lockpicking Key Reward Chance
- Modify Max Placeable Mines
- Modify Max Pickpocket Chance
- Modify Player Magic Slowdown
- Modify Positive Chem Duration
- Modify Potions Created
- Modify Recover Arrow Chance
- Modify Recovered Health
- Modify Sell Prices
- Modify Skill Use
- Modify Sneak Attack Mult
- Modify Soul Pct Captured To Weapon
- Modify Spell Range (Target Loc.)
- Modify Telekinesis Damage
- Modify Telekinesis Damage Mult
- Modify Telekinesis Distance
- Modify Tempering Health
- Modify Ward Magicka Absorption Pct
- Purify Alchemy Ingredients
- Set Activate Label
- Set Boolean Graph Variable
- Set Lockpick Starting Arc
- Set Progression Picking
- Set Sweep Attack
- Should Apply Placed Item