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Remove from Array

Int[] Function RemoveFromArray(Int[] array, int startIndex, int numOfElementsToRemove = 1) Global
	; Removes a number of elements from an array from the starting index.
	; Change the return, parameter, and variable type to suit the array type you are using.
	int arrayLength = array.length
	if (startIndex == 0 && numOfElementstoRemove == 0)
		array[startIndex] = 0
		return array
	elseif numOfElementsToRemove >= arrayLength
		; To prevent an error. Returns the array unchanged.
		return array
		while (startIndex < numOfElementsToRemove + 1)
			array[startIndex] = 0
			startIndex += 1
	return array

Reverse an Array

Form[] Function ReverseArray(Form[] array) Global
	; Reverses the order from the smallest index to the largest and returns the array.
	; Change the return, parameter, and variable type to suit the array type you are reversing.
	Int index = array.length
	Int i = 0
	Form temp
	while (i < (index / 2))
		temp = array[i]
		array[i] = array[(index - 1) - i]
		array[(index - 1) - i] = temp
		i += 1
	return array

Unit Converions

The Unit page lists the Skyrim Unit to metric/imperial conversions, centimeters to inches is obvious, though it doesn't list the calculations when going to feet, so here it is: FT = Unit * 0.046875 --Rasikko (talk) 2018-01-10T12:18:45 (EST)

Time Functions

Various functions for calculating time in skyrim. Most use GetCurrentGameTime - Utility as it returns the total game days passed. Making it easier for conversions.

This function has GetCurrentGameTime live up to its name. Will return the in-game time, instead of days passed. At least 1 day has to have passed.

Float Function GetCurrentGameTimeExtended() Global
    ; Returns the time displayed in the game.
    ; Format is hh.mmssss
    Float currentGameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
    Float fractionOfDay = currentGameTime - currentGameTime as int
    Float hour = (fractionOfDay * 24) as int
    Float minutes = ((fractionOfDay * 24) - hour) * 60
    Float seconds = (minutes - minutes as int) * 60
    if currentGameTime >= 1.0
	; before adding the hours, we need to turn the minutes into a decimal.
	minutes = (minutes as int) / 100.0
	; do the same to the seconds 
	seconds = seconds / 10000.0

	return hour + minutes + seconds
    return -1.0

This simple function converts days passed into hours passed.

Float Function GetGameHoursPassed()
	; Converts the game days passed to game time hours.
	return Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24

This function takes the game days passed and converts them into minutes passed.

Float Function GetGameMinutesPassed()
    ; Converts the game days passed to game minutes passed.
    return Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24 * 60

To get the total real minutes passed since the game started, you do the following:

Game.GetRealHoursPassed() * 60

To get the number of seconds that have passed since game start. Note at least 1 day has to have passed:

Float Function GetGameSecondsPassed()
    ; returns the number of game seconds since game start.
    Float gameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
    if gameTime >= 1.0
	return gameTime / 24.0 * 60 * 60
    return -1.0

For milliseconds:

Float Function GetGameMillisecondsPassed()
    ; Returns milliseconds passed since game start.

    Float gameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()

    if gameTime >= 1.0
	return gameTime / 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 1000.0

    return -1.0

Short note about game time: Game time is paused when in a menu. While this is a well known fact, it can be easily forgotten when working with it along side real time, as real time obviously keeps running.

Skyrim has no leap years, and thus has common years, where the first day and last day of the year are on the same day of the week.

Calendar Functions

Various functions for dealing with the months, weeks, or days. Months in Skyrim are index based. Meaning Morning Star is Month 0, and Evening Star is Month 11. Days of the week are also index based, where Sundas is 0, and Loredas is 6. One day passes on Morndas, 18th, Last Seed,4E201. The game starts at 8:00AM, Sundas, 17th Last Seed 4E 201, which is exactly 16 hours til the next day.

Int Function GetGameMonthTotalDays(int aiGameMonth = 0) Global
	; returns the number of days for this month.
	Int[] months = new Int[12]
	months[0] = 31
	months[1] = 28
	months[2] = 31
	months[3] = 30
	months[4] = 31
	months[5] = 30
	months[6] = 31
	months[7] = 31
	months[8] = 30
	months[9] = 31
	months[10]= 30
	months[11]= 31
	return months[aiGameMonth]

Lunar Functions

Returns the time Masser rises. If the current time is beyond this, will return how many hours til the next moonrise. If more than 1 day has not passed, will return the time Masser will rise instead.

Float Function GetMasserRiseTime()
    Float gameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
    Float riseTime = 20.00 ; 8PM
    Float hoursPerDay = 24.00	
    Float currentHour = (gameTime - gameTime as int) * hoursPerDay
    if (gameTime >= 1.0)
	 if currentHour > riseTime
         ; let's say it's 22:00
	    riseTime = hoursPerDay - (currentHour - riseTime)
	    return riseTime
	    return riseTime
    return riseTime

Self Reminders

  • When time permits, add another example concerning the Events OnActivate, OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerLeave.
  • Test out function for acquiring the xp for the next level and add it to the condition function page of the same name as an alternative to it.