Race Info
Race | Unit Height | Height Multiplier | Run Speed | Sprint Speed | M / sec |
Altmer M* | 138 | 1.08 | 399.6 | 540 | 7.7 |
Argonian M | 129 | 1.01 | 373.1 | 505 | 7.2 |
Argonian F | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.1 |
Bosmer M | 125 | 0.98 | 362.6 | 490 | 7.0 |
Bosmer F | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.1 |
Breton M | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.0 |
Breton F | 121 | 0.95 | 351.5 | 475 | 6.7 |
Dunmer/Imperial* | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.1 |
Khajiit M | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.1 |
Khajiit F | 121 | 0.95 | 351.5 | 475 | 6.7 |
Nord* | 131 | 1.03 | 381.1 | 515 | 7.3 |
Orc* | 133 | 1.045 | 386.6 | 522.5 | 7.4 |
Redguard M | 128.6 | 1.005 | 371.8 | 502.5 | 7.1+ |
Redguard F | 128 | 1.00 | 370 | 500 | 7.1 |
- = Applies to Females.
Meters/sec is calculated from sprint speed(math may be off as Unit -> real life unit isn't entirely 1:1). Base height is 128, which is also the height of xmarkerheadings. Calculations gained from info on the UESP and tests involving GetMovementSpeed condition function. Altmers are the fastest humanoid race, and can go from one end of a cell to the other end in 7.5 seconds. The fastest land animal in the game is the bear at 638 running speed. Dragons are the fastest animal in Skyrim at 7400 when in flight.
Height is a multiplier that determines the running speed for a particular actor base on the base speed associated with its MovementType. The equation for this is roundUp((H / 128) * BaseMovementSpeed))
On working around the fast travel bug that affects GetCurrentGameTime
I don't know how many weeks or months I spent on this but I made progress:
[04/05/2018 - 04:17:50PM] Game Days Passed: 207 | Actual Game Days Passed: 209 | Game Days unaccounted for: 2
This involves adding all the total days for every month up to the current month(method is harder than it sounds), and then comparing that total with the game's gamedayspassed value.
- Keep up the good fight! Scrivener07 (talk) 2018-07-07T12:57:04 (EDT)
- I think the fight is over. Considering that I'm finding myself wrong a good amount of time on Nexus(which is hurts my credibility), I may just remove all my contributions on both wikis. All of them have been under months of testing, by hand, by calculator, and in more than one way, but I'm not confident anymore that I can bring any meaningful information about the games.--Rasikko (talk) 2018-07-16T03:16:45 (EDT)
Array Funtions
Int[] Function RemoveFromArray(Int[] array, int startIndex, int numOfElementsToRemove = 1) Global
; Removes a number of elements from an array from the starting index.
; Change the return, parameter, and variable type to suit the array type you are using.
int arrayLength = array.length
if (startIndex == 0 && numOfElementstoRemove == 0)
array[startIndex] = 0
return array
elseif numOfElementsToRemove >= arrayLength
; To prevent an error. Returns the array unchanged.
return array
while (startIndex < numOfElementsToRemove + 1)
array[startIndex] = 0
startIndex += 1
return array
Form[] Function ReverseArray(Form[] array) Global
; Reverses the order from the smallest index to the largest and returns the array.
; Change the return, parameter, and variable type to suit the array type you are reversing.
Int index = array.length
Int i = 0
Form temp
while (i < (index / 2))
temp = array[i]
array[i] = array[(index - 1) - i]
array[(index - 1) - i] = temp
i += 1
return array
Unit Converions
The Unit page lists the Skyrim Unit to metric/imperial conversions, centimeters to inches is obvious, though it doesn't list the calculations when going to feet, so here it is: FT = Unit * 0.046875 --Rasikko (talk) 2018-01-10T12:18:45 (EST)
Calendar Info
Months in Skyrim are index based. Meaning Morning Star is Month 0, and Evening Star is Month 11.
Days of the week are also index based, where Sundas is 0, and Loredas is 6. One day passes on Morndas, 18th, Last Seed,4E201. The game starts at 8:00AM, Sundas, 17th Last Seed 4E 201, which is exactly 16 hours til the next day.
Skyrim's calendar resets(first day of the year starts on middas again) every 6 years, thus the average length of a skyrim year is exactly 365 days(2,190/6).
The years can be broken up into indexes with 201 = 1, 202 = 2, 203 = 3, etc, resetting back to 1 on the year 207. To find the index for the year, divide the last two digits of the year by 6 and take only the remainder. Due to the game beginning on the 17th, a full calendar month thus occurs on the 17th of every month until 20th, First Seed 202 because of Sun's Dawn only having 28 days, from there, the 20th of every month will be a full calendar month.
In case I forget: Sun's Dawn and First Seed always begins on the same day of the week, like February and March.
- Finding the day of the week for the first day of the following month: (TotalDaysPreviousMonth + StartingDoWPreviousMonth) % 7
Moon info
Masser appears in the night sky at a fixed time. 8PM - 4AM.
Secunda appears during the day and night at hours that follow a certain pattern.
- First time frame: 4PM - 12AM
- Second time frame: 12PM - 8PM
- Third time frame: 8AM - 4PM
- Forth time frame: 4AM - 12PM
- Final time frame: 12AM - 8AM
- Conjunction: 8PM - 4AM
The final and conjunction(when both moons rise and set together) occur on the same day.
- Will put info here when it's been figured out.::
- Will put info here when it's been figured out.::
To calculate the current moon phase each day:
Int Function GetCurrentMoonPhase()
Float fGameDaysPassed = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000039, "Skyrim.esm") as GlobalVariable
return (((228 + fDaysPassed) % 24) / 3) as int
This will return a number between 0 and 7, which each presenting a phase. New Moon is 0, and Full Moon is 4 for example. As the phases last 3 days, the return value will reflect this as well. The value of 228 is the number of days from Morning Star 1, 201 to Last Seed 17.
Lunar Functions
Returns the time Masser rises. If the current time is beyond this, will return how many hours til the next moonrise. If more than 1 day has not passed, will return the time Masser will rise instead.
Float Function GetMasserRiseTime() Global
Float gameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
Float riseTime = 20.00 ; 8PM
Float hoursPerDay = 24.00
Float currentHour = (gameTime - gameTime as int) * hoursPerDay
if (gameTime >= 1.0)
if currentHour > riseTime
riseTime = currentHour - (riseTime - 12.00)
return riseTime
return riseTime
return riseTime
Same above, but for Masser's setting time.
Float Function GetMasserSetTime() Global
; Returns the time that Masser sets. If the current time is passed the moonset time,
; will return the number of hours til the next moonset.
Float daysPassed = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
Float hoursPerDay = 24.00
Float setTime = 4.00 ; 4AM
Float currentHour = (daysPassed - daysPassed as int) * hoursPerDay
if daysPassed >= 1.0
if currentHour > setTime
setTime = currentHour - setTime
return setTime
return setTime
return setTime
Self Reminders
- When time permits, add another example concerning the Events OnActivate, OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerLeave.
- Test out function for acquiring the xp for the next level and add it to the condition function page of the same name as an alternative to it.
- Fix syntax/logic issue concerning the Cast to string section in Cast Reference, because it's completely wrong.