AdvanceSkill - Game

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Member of: Game Script

Advances the progress of the provided Skill by the given amount (for the player only).


Function AdvanceSkill(string asSkillName, float afMagnitude) native global


  • asSkillName: The Skill to progress.
  • afMagnitude: The amount by which the skill progress will be advanced. This is in Skill Usage amounts, so it will count towards skill progression but won't necessarily change the Skill itself. The amount must be positive. If the new amount exceeds the skill's level threshold, the skill will advance, and possibly level up. This amount is automatically modified by any active effects such as a Guardian Stone.

Return Value



; Advance the given skill progress (Skill XP) on the player by the provided amount
Game.AdvanceSkill("Marksman", 50.0)


  • The amount of Skill XP needed to level up the skill varies depending on the skill, and by the current level of that skill.
  • This will invoke the on-screen message for skill progression every time the passed in amount results in a level up. If the skill will increase 20 levels due to this function, the on screen message will display each level. This can take a long time depending on how many levels. Use of this function is not recommended if you intend to use this to increase a skill by many levels. Use IncrementSkill - Game or IncrementSkillBy - Game instead.

See Also