GetMappedKey - Input
Revision as of 01:28, 2 April 2013 by imported>Neoh4x0r (Keyboard should be 1 not 0 .... Mouse should be 2 not 1)
SKSE Member of: Input Script
Minimum required SKSE Version: 1.06.00
Returns the DXScanCodes bound to a control for given device. (This function requires SKSE)
Int Function GetMappedKey(String Control, Int DeviceType = 0xFF) Global Native
- Control: The name of the controls as a string. Valid controls listed below.
- Activate
- Auto-Move
- Back
- CameraPath
- Console
- Favorites
- Forward
- Hotkey1
- Hotkey2
- Hotkey3
- Hotkey4
- Hotkey5
- Hotkey6
- Hotkey7
- Hotkey8
- Journal
- Jump
- Left Attack/Block
- Look
- Move
- Multi-Screenshot
- Pause
- Quick Inventory
- Quick Magic
- Quick Map
- Quick Stats
- Quickload
- Quicksave
- Ready Weapon
- Right Attack/Block
- Run
- Screenshot
- Shout
- Sneak
- Sprint
- Strafe Left
- Strafe Right
- Toggle Always Run
- Toggle POV
- Tween Menu
- Wait
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- DeviceType: The device type used. Valid devices listed below.
- 0xFF = 255 = Auto detect (Default)
- 0x01 = 1 = Keyboard
- 0x02 = 2 = Mouse
- 0x03 = 3 = Gamepad
Return Value
Returns DXScanCode bound to a control for given device as an integer.
- Standard use:
Int iForwardKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Forward")
- Record all DxScanCodes currently used by Skyrim:
Int[] Property iDxScanCode Auto ; 43 elements
String[] Property sControlName Auto ; Also 43 elements that indices will correspond. Elements must be filled in creation Kit.
Function RecordControlKeys()
Int iIndex = sControlName.Length
While iIndex > 0
iIndex -= 1
iDxScanCode[iIndex] = Input.GetMappedKey(sControlName[iIndex])