User:DavidJCobb/Rotation Library Tutorial

< User:DavidJCobb
Revision as of 23:29, 23 August 2014 by imported>DavidJCobb (→‎Creating the Dibella Statue)

Creating the Dibella Statue

In the Object Window, filter to Activators. Right-click in the list pane and select "New." Fill out the dialog box as shown below:

Orientation Demo
Activate Text
Perform Random Test
Ignored by Sandbox

Now, add the following script to it:

Scriptname CobbOrientationTest extends ObjectReference

Import AtronachCrossingLibraryRotations
Import Utility

; These arrays define the position and rotation of the child object RELATIVE 
; to this object. These would be the child's position and rotation if this 
; object were placed at (0, 0, 0) and set to rotation (0, 0, 0).
Float[] Property pfPositionOffset Auto
Float[] Property pfRotationOffset Auto
; This is the object that we'll be placing.
ObjectReference Property pkChildObject = None Auto

Event OnInit()

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Function RunTest()
{Randomize this object's rotation, and then reposition and rotate the child object to match it.}
   SetAngle( RandomInt(0, 359) as float, RandomInt(0, 359) as float, RandomInt(0, 359) as float )

Function UpdateChildPosition()
{Disable physics on the child object, and then position and rotate it to keep it in line with this object.}
   If pkChildObject
      MoveObjectRelativeToObject(pkChildObject, Self, pfPositionOffset, pfRotationOffset)

Now go to any cell (or make your own) and add the new statue to it; place the statue at (0, 0, 0) and do not rotate it. Then, add a Dragon Priest Mask to the cell, and position and rotate it so that it rests on top of the statue's face. Write down the mask's coordinates and rotation.

Edit the base activator's script properties. Set pfPositionOffset to an array containing the mask's coordinates; set pfRotationOffset to an array containing the mask's rotation. Edit the placed activator's properties as well: set pkChildObject to the placed mask itself.


Most applications of this library will follow the same basic format as the setup described above: you'll define the position and rotation of some "child" relative to the "parent," and then apply a script that feeds the child, parent, relative position, and relative rotation into my library.

Examples of parent-child relationships:

  • Keeping a Door inside of a door frame that can be moved at run-time
  • Keeping a Light anchored to a light source (e.g. wall sconce) that can be moved at run-time
  • Repositioning the invisible DummyBookMarkers in a bookshelf, when moving the bookshelf at run-time