OnObjectUnequipped - Actor

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Member of: Actor Script

Event called when the actor unequips an object.


Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)


  • akBaseObject: The base object the actor just unequipped.
  • akReference: The reference the actor just unequipped, if the reference is persistent. Otherwise, None.


Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
  if akBaseObject as Armor
    Debug.Trace("This actor just unequipped a piece of armor!")


  • An OnObjectUnequipped() event will always get sent before OnObjectEquipped() when equipping an item to an occupied equipment slot.
    • The OnObjectEquipped() event does not wait for the OnObjectUnequipped() event to complete before starting. Adding the Utility.Wait(n) function at the beginning of the OnObjectEquipped() event script can help ensure it waits for the first event to finish.

See AlsoEdit