Perk Entry Point
Revision as of 00:33, 23 February 2021 by imported>DavidJCobb (→Perk Entry Points: disassembly and, in some cases, cross-referencing with Skyrim.esm)
A list of all the perk entry points.
Entry Point Functions
Name | Value = |
Absolute Value | |Value| |
Negative Absolute Value | -|Value| |
Set Value | X |
Add Value | Value + X |
Multiply Value | Value * X |
Add Range to Value | Value + Random(X, Y) |
Add Actor Value Mult | Value + A * X |
Set to Actor Value Mult | A * X |
Multiply Actor Value Mult | Value * A * X |
Multiply 1 + Actor Value Mult | Value * (1+A * X) |
X and Y are always fixed floating point numbers; A is always an Actor Value, dynamically consulted. |
Perk Entry Points
Entry Point | Description |
Activate | Adds a new choice to show in addition to the normal activation prompt
Add Leveled List On Death | Add Leveled List: The specified LeveledItem list to add to the target upon death. |
Adjust Book Skill Points | |
Adjust Limb Damage - Not Used | Scales the damage that a limb's actor value receives from an attack. Limbs are hardcoded, and while Skyrim still has the "limb condition" actor values from Fallout, it doesn't have the same limb list, so this isn't really usable in practice. |
Allow Mount Actor | |
Apply Bashing Spell | Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully bashes him/her (with a shield or weapon)
Apply Combat Hit Spell | Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully hits him/her
See also: talk page |
Apply Reanimate Spell | Applies a spell to all actors reanimated by the perk owner. (However, see talk page)
Apply Sneaking Spell | Applies a spell to the owner while sneaking. Boethiah's Ebony Mail is a good example of this.
Apply Weapon Swing Spell | Targets attacking the perk owner appear to gain a perk with 'Apply Combat Hit Spell' using the specified spell.
Calculate Mine Explode Chance | Not Used |
Calculate My Critical Hit Chance | Adjusts the perk owner's critical hit chance. Base chance without perks for the player is zero. |
Calculate My Critical Hit Damage | Adjusts the amount of damage a critical hit by the perk owner will inflict. Base critical damage without perks is determined by the weapon (a fixed value assigned to it, like its base damage) which is typically very close to floor(b/2), where b is the base damage. Note that Critical Hit Damage is not affected by Tempering Health. |
Calculate Weapon Damage | Allows for the modification of the projected damage to a target on during a weapon strike. |
Can Dual Cast Spell | Allows actor to dual cast spells. |
Can Pickpocket Equipped Item | If the result value is non-zero, then the actor will be allowed to pickpocket equipped items off of other actors. The condition subject will be the equipped item that the actor is attempting to pickpocket. |
Filter Activation | Can be used to prevent (or enable) the perk owner, activating (or in the players case not receiving a activate prompt as well.) the targeted object. |
Get Max Carry Weight | |
Get Should Attack | |
Ignore Broken Lock | |
Ignore Running During Detection | If this entry point produces a value other than 0, then the actor will be able to run without becoming easier to detect. |
Make Lockpicks Unbreakable | If the result value is non-zero, then the player's lockpicks will be unbreakable. |
Mod # Applied Enchantments Allowed | Affects number of enchantments that can be simultaneously applied to a single item. |
Mod Armor Weight | |
Mod Attack Damage | Modifies the physical attack damage caused by the perk owner. Modified attack damage is applied to the base weapon damage. |
Mod Bashing Damage | |
Mod Bribe Amount | |
Mod Detection Light | Scales the influence of lighting conditions on how easily the actor can be detected. The input value computed from the actor's light level, detection lines of sight, and various game settings including the fDetectionNightEyeBonus, iLightLevelExteriorMod, iLightLevelInteriorMod, and iLightLevelMax game settings. The final result value (after all perks are checked) will be rounded to a signed integer. The Sneak and Invisibility actor values are applied after this entry point runs. |
Mod Detection Movement | |
Mod Favor Points | |
Mod Incoming Damage | Adjusts the amount of physical damage taken by the perk owner. |
Mod Incoming Spell Duration | Adjusts the duration of spells and spell-like effects applied to the perk owner. |
Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude | Adjusts the magnitude of magic effects applied to the perk owner. (spells, shouts, weapon enchantments, etc.) |
Mod Incoming Stagger | Modifies the amount of stagger sustained by the perk owner when hit. |
Mod Percent Blocked | Modifies how much damage the actor will avoid taking when they block an incoming attack. Checked whenever an attack is blocked. |
Mod Player Intimidation | Modifies how scary the player is. The player's scariness is computed using the formula
player level × (1.0 + max(-1.0, (player speech - target speech) ÷ 100))fIntimidateSpeechcraftCurve That value can be modified using this perk entry point, and after that modification, it will be compared to the target's scariness, which is the target's level times the appropriate confidence multiplier, the latter value being one of the game settings that begins with |
Mod Player Reputation | |
Mod Poison Dose Count | Adjusts the number of times a poisoned weapon will apply its poison on hit before the poison wears off. |
Mod Power Attack Damage | Modifies the total damage caused by the perk owner while performing a power attack. |
Mod Power Attack Stamina | Modifies the amount of stamina consumed by the perk owner while performing a power attack. |
Mod Secondary Value Weight | Modifies how much the second actor value in a Dual Value Modifier effect is altered. |
Mod Shield Deflect Arrows | Modify the percentage chance that the actor's equipped shield will deflect an incoming arrow. The result value will be clamped to a maximum of 100. |
Mod Shout OK | Tells the game to allow the player (or werewolf) to shout. |
Mod Soul Gem Enchanting | Adjusts soul gem energy during enchantment, affecting the amount of charges granted to weapon enchantments. No influence on armor enchantments. |
Mod Soul Gem Recharge | Adjusts the amount of energy soul gems provide when used to recharge a weapon's depleted enchantment. |
Mod Spell Casting Sound Event | Checked when a spell is being cast; can be used to prevent NPCs from being able to hear the spell. The input value will be 1.0; change it to 0.0 to make the spell inaudible to NPCs. |
Mod Spell Cost | Affects casting cost of spells. (This probably also affects skill gain rates as a result.) |
Mod Spell Duration | Affects the duration of spells, potions, ingredients, enchantments, etcetera (anything with an "Effect List" in the Creation Kit) |
Mod Spell Magnitude | Affects the magnitude of spells and spell-like effects (see above) |
Mod Target Damage Resistance | |
Mod Target Stagger | Adjusts the amount of stagger targets suffer when hit by this perk owner. |
Modify Addiction Chance | When an actor drinks a potion, this modifies the chance that the actor will become addicted to the potion. Bethesda has stated that addiction data isn't used in Skyrim, but reverse-engineering indicates that there are calculations which check for an addiction, compute the chance, and attempt to apply the addiction effect; it's not clear what part of the system is no longer functional. |
Modify Addiction Duration | |
Modify Alchemy Effectiveness | Increases (or Decreases) the potency of potions or poisons created by the perk owner. |
Modify Armor Rating | Modifies the overall Armor Rating of the Perk Owner |
Modify Bow Zoom | Decimal values between zero and 1.0 allow increasing amounts of bow zoom. The default value is zero. Some values appear to produce buggy behavior (discussion). |
Modify Buy Prices | |
Modify Commanded Actor Limit | Adjusts the number of summoned/commanded actors that can be controlled simultaneously by the perk owner. |
Modify Detection Sneak Skill | |
Modify Enchantment Power | Affects the magnitude of enchantments applied to an item through crafting by the perk owner. Does not affect the power of worn/wielded/used enchantments. |
Modify Enemy Critical Hit Chance | |
Modify Falling Damage | Adjust the amount of damage sustained by the perk owner when landing after a long fall. |
Modify Ingredients Harvested | Affects the number of ingredients obtained from harvesting a single plant. |
Modify Initial Ingredient Effects Learned | ...when eating an ingredient. |
Modify Lockpick Level Allowed | |
Modify Lockpick Sweet Spot | Affects the size of the area that a lockpick must be within in order to move the lock mechanism. |
Modify Lockpicking Crime Chance | Modify the chance that the player will be caught committing a crime when picking locks while detected. |
Modify Lockpicking Key Reward Chance | Modify the chance that the player will be rewarded with the key to a lock if they successfully pick it. |
Modify Max Placeable Mines | Affects the amount of Runes that can be placed. Some Functions appear not to work as expected, (such as Set Value), however Multiply Value seems to work as desired. Changing multiply value to 2, allows two runes to be placed. |
Modify Max Pickpocket Chance | |
Modify Player Magic Slowdown | Modifies the benefit that Players receive from Slow Time effects. Setting it to 1.0 will make the player move at normal speed while under the effects of the slow time effect if it meets the conditions on the spell tab. Default appears to be 0.6 (determined by fVATSPlayerMagicTimeSlowdownMult game setting.) |
Modify Positive Chem Duration | |
Modify Potions Created | Affects the number of potions generated when combining a single set of ingredients. |
Modify Recover Arrow Chance | Modify the likelihood that an arrow fired into a target will be recoverable from the target's corpse. The result value will be compared to a random integer between 0 and 100. |
Modify Recovered Health | |
Modify Sell Prices | |
Modify Skill Use | Adjusts the skill use factor, changing the amount of experience awarded for using skills. Usually used in combination with the condition function EPModSkillUsage_IsAdvanceSkill. |
Modify Sneak Attack Mult | Adjusts damage multiplier applied to a successful sneak attack. |
Modify Soul Pct Captured To Weapon | Determines the percentage of the target's soul that will be applied to recharge an enchanted weapon when that weapon makes a killing blow on the target. The percentage is calculated based on the default soul size of the target (i.e. the size soul gem it would fill if soul trapped). |
Modify Spell Range (Target Loc.) | Modify the maximum range of spells that require the caster to target a location; for example, limiting this perk to rune spells would allow you to modify how far away a rune can be placed. |
Modify Telekinesis Damage | |
Modify Telekinesis Damage Mult | |
Modify Telekinesis Distance | |
Modify Tempering Health | Increases or decreases the effectiveness of tempering weapons and armor by the perk owner |
Modify Ward Magicka Absorption Pct | |
Purify Alchemy Ingredients | While creating Potions only the positive effects of an ingredient is used, or if a Poison is being created only negative effects are kept. |
Set Activate Label | Sets the Activation Label of the looked at object to the specified text field when looked at by the player(If of course the player is the perk owner if not this appears to do nothing.) |
Set Boolean Graph Variable | Used to set a Boolean Animation Graph Variable of the Perk owner. |
Set Lockpick Starting Arc | |
Set Progression Picking | |
Set Sweep Attack | Checked when the actor is swinging a melee weapon. If this entry point returns a value other than 0, then the attacking actor will damage multiple enemies along the arc of the swing. Otherwise, the attack will use the game's default behavior, which is akin to firing a single invisible "bullet" that does melee damage. |
Should Apply Placed Item | Checked when the player is using their pickpocketing skill to plant an item in another actor's inventory. If the item is a potion or poison and the perk's result value is 1, then the alchemy effects will be applied to the pickpocketed NPC. When this condition runs, the subject is the potion or poison being planted, so check Subject.IsPoison == 1 to limit this effect to planted poisons. |