PlayIdleWithTarget - Actor
Revision as of 12:36, 24 January 2014 by imported>Terra Nova2 (Added note.)
Member of: Actor Script
Plays the idle passed and overrides the actor's target with the given target. If no target is passed, then the idle will use the actor's current target instead.
bool Function PlayIdleWithTarget(Idle akIdle, ObjectReference akTarget) native
Return Value
True if the idle was successfully loaded and played, false otherwise.
; Start Hadvar's backstab paired idle against the thief
if Hadvar.PlayIdleWithTarget(Backstab, Thief)
Debug.Trace("Hadvar just backstabbed the thief!")
Debug.Trace("Something went wrong")
- This function will send the actor initiating the idle into combat alert state. None of the combat based functions that will remove this state works. The NPC is stuck in combat alert.
One solution is to have another actor use ForceGreet (Procedure) but it doesn't fix the actor holding an invisible weapon, but this all clears when you exit the location. source The OP of that thread and myself seem to be the only ones to encounter this. Needs more testing.