ShowBarterMenu - Actor
Revision as of 00:48, 20 May 2017 by imported>DavidJCobb (→Notes: Faction conditions need to be met; you'd expect the menu to not even show up if they weren't met, but it comes up empty)
Member of: Actor Script
Shows the barter menu for this actor.
Function ShowBarterMenu() native
Return ValueEdit
- Standard use.
BobREF.ShowBarterMenu() ; Shows BobREF's barter menu
- Prompt a barter menu via an activator.
ScriptName YourActivatorScript Extends ObjectReference
Actor Property kSomeActor Auto ; Filled with desired merchant Actor
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() ; Only if activated by the player
kSomeActor.ShowBarterMenu() ; Show this actor's barter menu
- This function will fail if the actor isn't actually loaded. The barter menu will appear, but it will be empty even if the actor's merchant chest has items in it.
- The function will also fail and show an empty barter menu if the conditions aren't met for the actor's merchant faction to sell, e.g. she's not near the reference she needs to be.