Talk:GetDialogueTarget - Actor

Revision as of 09:28, 8 October 2014 by imported>Xander9009

Obtains the actor the player is currently in dialogue with.


Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget() non-native


Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget()
	Actor kPlayerDialogueTarget
        Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	Int iLoopCount = 10
	While iLoopCount > 0
		iLoopCount -= 1
		kPlayerDialogueTarget = Game.FindRandomActorFromRef(kPlayerRef , 200.0)
		If kPlayerDialogueTarget != kPlayerRef && kPlayerDialogueTarget.IsInDialogueWithPlayer() 
			Return kPlayerDialogueTarget
        Return None



Return Value

The actor the player is currently in dialogue with (if any).


;This is a custom function so you have to include it in your script.
Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget()
	Actor kPlayerDialogueTarget
        Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	Int iLoopCount = 10
	While iLoopCount > 0
		iLoopCount -= 1
		kPlayerDialogueTarget = Game.FindRandomActorFromRef(kPlayerRef , 200.0)
		If kPlayerDialogueTarget != kPlayerRef && kPlayerDialogueTarget.IsInDialogueWithPlayer() 
			Return kPlayerDialogueTarget
        Return None

Event SomeEvent()
        ; Print a message if the player is in dialogue with Bob.
        if (GetPlayerDialogueTarget() == Bob)
                Debug.Trace("The player is in dialogue with Bob!")


This usually finds the actor the player is in dialogue with but more testing is required. It works very well for me, so far... I tend to modify this by passing in the player's reference and lowering iLoopCount but the version I posted is safe and convenient.

EDIT: jbezorg's alternate method is flawless in interior cells, I would recommend it but it is worth noting that the method may fail in exterior cells if the player is speaking to an NPC that is in another cell (this could happen if the player is standing very close to a cell border). For exterior cells it may be safer to use my method but increase both the loop count and the radius of the find random actor function. ~Zartar

Alternative Method

Same usage, slower, but in theory the examples above could miss the Dialogue target by testing the same NPC several times. Unlikely with a 200 unit radius but it also cannot test outside the 200 unit radius and I've had arresting city guards enter dialogue with the player at a much greater distance. ~jbezorg

;Requires SKSE.
Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget() global
	Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	Actor kTargetRef = None
	Actor kNthRef    = None

	Cell kCell       = kPlayerRef.GetParentCell()
	Int iType        = 43 ; kNPC = 43
	Int iIndex       = kCell.GetNumRefs( iType ) 
	While iIndex && !kTargetRef
		iIndex -= 1
		kNthRef = kCell.GetNthRef( iIndex, iType ) as Actor
		If kNthRef != kPlayerRef && kNthRef.IsInDialogueWithPlayer()
			kTargetRef = kNthRef
	Return kTargetRef

Comprehensive Alternative Method

This is a potential method that needs testing. I haven't been able to test it, but its goal is to fix the single-cell restriction which limits the above alternative method. With this, it will test the player's cell. If that doesn't work, it will drop an xMarker, move it out to 'Radius' away from the player, and then orbit that marker around the player checking what cells it ends up in, and then it tests those cells as well until it finds that answer or it goes full circle. It looks slow, but whenever the xMarker is in a cell that's already been tested, it skips that, speeding it up considerably. iStep is the amount of degrees the marker moves. ~Xander9009

;Requires SKSE.
Static Property XMarker Auto

Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget(float fRadius = 500.0, int iStep = 5) global
	Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	Actor kTargetRef = None
	Actor kNthRef    = None

	Cell kCell       = kPlayerRef.GetParentCell()
	Int iType        = 43 ; kNPC = 43
	Int iIndex       = kCell.GetNumRefs( iType ) 
	Int Degrees      = 360
	While iIndex && !kTargetRef
		iIndex -= 1
		kNthRef = kCell.GetNthRef( iIndex, iType ) as Actor
		If kNthRef != kPlayerRef && kNthRef.IsInDialogueWithPlayer()
			kTargetRef = kNthRef
	If !kTargetRef
		ObjectReference kXMarker = kPlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(XMarker)
		Cell[] kCellA = New Cell[10]
		kCellA[0] = kCell
		kXMarker.MoveTo(kPlayerRef, fRadius)
		iIndex = kCellA.Length
		While Degrees > 0 && !kTargetRef
			While iIndex
				iIndex -= 1
				If kCellA[iIndex] == kXMarker.GetParentCell()
					iIndex = -1
			If iIndex != -1
				iIndex = 0
				int iEmptyIndex
				While iIndex < kCellA.Length && !iEmptyIndex
					If !kCellA[iIndex]
						iEmptyIndex = iIndex
					iIndex += 1
				kCellA[iEmptyIndex] = kXMarker.GetParentCell()
				iIndex = kCell.GetNumRefs( iType )
				While iIndex && !kTargetRef
					iIndex -= 1
					kNthRef = kCell.GetNthRef( iIndex, iType ) as Actor
					If kNthRef != kPlayerRef && kNthRef.IsInDialogueWithPlayer()
						kTargetRef = kNthRef
			Degrees -= iStep
			Float PosX = Math.Cos(Degrees)*fRadius
			Float PosY = Math.Sin(Degrees)*fRadius
			kXMarker.MoveTo(kPlayerRef, PosX, PosY)
	Return kTargetRef

See Also

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