Talk:GetMagnitude - ActiveMagicEffect

Revision as of 13:46, 12 October 2014 by imported>Terra Nova2

I was unable to get this to compile when pointing it to a MagicEffect type. Same deal with GetDuration. --Terra Nova2 (talk) 2014-10-12T11:37:11 (EDT)

You have to use it on an ActiveMagicEffect type (which is actually a different type than MagicEffect). I've tested this and it compiles for me using SKSE 1.7.1. For instance you can try:

ActiveMagicEffect testEffect = NONE
float testMag = testEffect.GetMagnitude()

and that should compile if you have the current SKSE source files. egocarib (talk) 2014-10-12T13:39:28 (EDT)

I also just tested the code you pasted on the main page here for GetMagnitude, it compiles fine for me in this script (attached to a MagicEffect in the CK)
scriptname testAME extends ActiveMagicEffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)
Float Magnitude = self.GetMagnitude()
Debug.Trace("This magic effect has a strength value of" +Magnitude)

egocarib (talk) 2014-10-12T13:45:52 (EDT)

Well, I had tried something like

MagicEffect property myEffect auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Float Magnitude = myEffect.GetMagnitude() Debug.Trace("This magic effect has a strength value of" +Magnitude) EndEvent

And the compiler complained about the function not existing, so that's why I had to go with self. I was a bit confused by the Active Magic Effect part.

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