CombatStyle Script

Revision as of 03:51, 24 October 2013 by imported>CraftySentinel (Formatting Change)

Extends: Form Script

Script for the manipulation of Combat Styles.(This Script Requires SKSE.)


ScriptName CombatStyle extends Form Hidden



Global Functions


Member Functions


SKSE Member Functions

Function Description
Float GetOffensiveMult() Returns the Offensive multiplier for the Combat Style.
Float GetDefensiveMult() Returns the Defensive multiplier for the Combat Style.
Float GetGroupOffensiveMult() Returns the group offensive multiplier.
Float GetAvoidThreatChance() Returns the avoid threat chance of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeMult() Returns the melee multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetRangedMult() Returns the range multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMagicMult() Returns the magic multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetShoutMult() Returns the shout multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetStaffMult() Returns the staff multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetUnarmedMult() Returns the unarmed multiplier of the Combat Style.
SetOffensiveMult(Float mult) Sets the offensive multiplier to the specified amount.
SetDefensiveMult(Float mult) Sets the defensive multiplier to the specified amount.
SetGroupOffensiveMult(Float mult) Sets the group offensive multiplier to the specified amount.
SetAvoidThreatChance(Float chance) Sets the avoid threat chance to the specified amount.
SetMeleeMult(Float mult) Sets the melee multiplier to the specified amount.
SetRangedMult(Float mult) Sets the ranged multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMagicMult(Float mult) Sets the magic multiplier to the specified amount.
SetShoutMult(Float mult) Sets the shout multiplier to the specified amount.
SetStaffMult(Float mult) Sets the staff multiplier to the specified amount.
SetUnarmedMult(Float mult) Sets the unarmed multiplier to the specified amount.
Float GetMeleeAttackStaggeredMult() Returns the melee attack staggered multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleePowerAttackStaggeredMult() Returns the melee power attack staggered multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleePowerAttackBlockingMult() Returns the melee power attack blocking multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeBashMult() Returns the melee bash multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeBashRecoiledMult() Returns the melee bash recoiled multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeBashAttackMult() Returns the melee bash attack multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeBashPowerAttackMult() Returns the melee bash power attack multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetMeleeSpecialAttackMult() Returns the melee special attack multiplier of the Combat Style.
Bool GetAllowDualWielding() Returns if the combat style allows dual wielding.
SetMeleeAttackStaggeredMult(Float mult) Sets the melee attack staggered multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleePowerAttackStaggeredMult(Float mult) Sets the melee power attack staggered multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleePowerAttackBlockingMult(Float mult) Sets the melee power attack blocking multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleeBashMult(Float mult) Sets the melee bash multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleeBashRecoiledMult(Float mult) Sets the melee bash recoiled multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleeBashAttackMult(Float mult) Sets the melee bash attack multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleeBashPowerAttackMult(Float mult) Sets the melee bash power attack multiplier to the specified amount.
SetMeleeSpecialAttackMult(Float mult) Sets the melee special attack multiplier to the specified amount.
SetAllowDualWielding(Bool allow) Sets if dual wielding is allowed while in this combat style.
Float GetCloseRangeDuelingCircleMult() Returns the close range dueling circle multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetCloseRangeDuelingFallbackMult() Returns the close range dueling fallback multiplier of the Combat Style.
Float GetCloseRangeFlankingFlankDistance() Returns the close range flanking flank distance of the Combat Style.
Float GetCloseRangeFlankingStalkTime() Returns the close range flanking stalk time of the Combat Style.
SetCloseRangeDuelingCircleMult(Float mult) Sets the close range dueling circle multiplier to the specified amount.
SetCloseRangeDuelingFallbackMult(Float mult) Sets the close range dueling fallback multiplier to the specified amount.
SetCloseRangeFlankingFlankDistance(Float mult) Sets the close range flanking flank distance to the specified amount.
SetCloseRangeFlankingStalkTime(Float mult) Sets the close range flanking stalk time to the specified amount.
Float GetLongRangeStrafeMult() Returns the long range strafe multiplier of the Combat Style.
SetLongRangeStrafeMult(Float mult) Sets the long range strafe multiplier to the specified amount.
Float GetFlightHoverChance() Returns the flight hover chance of the Combat Style.
Float GetFlightDiveBombChance() Returns the flight dive bomb chance of the Combat Style.
Float GetFlightFlyingAttackChance() Returns the flight flying attack chance of the Combat Style.
SetFlightHoverChance(Float chance) Sets the flight hover chance to the specified amount.
SetFlightDiveBombChance(Float chance) Sets the flight dive bomb chance to the specified amount.
SetFlightFlyingAttackChance(Float mult) Sets the flight flying attack chance to the specified amount.

