GetModName - Game
SKSE Member of: Game Script
Returns the name of the mod at the specified Index. (This function requires SKSE)
string Function GetModName(int modIndex) native global
- modIndex = Number of the mod.
Return ValueEdit
Returns the name of the mod at the specified index.
String Nameofmod
Function ModName()
Nameofmod = Game.GetModName(0) ;Gets Name of Mod eg. Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Hearthfire.esm, etc.(In this case it should return Skyrim.esm)
Debug.Trace("The zeroth index contains " + NameofMod)
- This function can be a little misleading, it returns the .esm or .esp in your load order, eg. Skyrim.esm. A mod however could be named, for example "Fall of Saber" and have a esp called "Tigers.esp". This would return "Tigers.esp" and not "Fall of Saber".
- This function does not appear to work for ESLs or light flagged ESPs as they all load in slot 254.