Guard (Procedure)
Actor will draw weapon and say tresspassing dialogue, after a few warnings will attack. (It will not cause the actor to pursue the warned actor [usually player] if combat does not start)
The procedure completes:
- RestrictedArea (Location): Location that the actor is guarding
- SuspiciousOf (TargetSelector): If a faction, the faction that the guard will guard against, if an Actor Ref, the actor the guard will guard against. (Usually the PlayerFaction)
- WarnOnlyRadius (Float): If an actor who qualifies for the "SuspiciousOf" parm gets within this distance of the RestrictedArea, this actor will say warning dialogue.
- ImmediateAttackRadius (Float): If an actor who qualifies for the "SuspiciousOf" parm gets within this distance of the RestrictedArea, this actor will immediately attack.
Exceptions to the warning/attacking behavior are:
- Owners (or faction owners) of the guarded reference.
- Allies/Friends of the guarding actor.
Game Settings