HasLOS - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Checks to see if this actor has line-of-sight to the target object. Note that only the player can get line-of-sight to a non-actor.

If called on the player, HasLOS clips the line-of-sight check to the camera, so HasLOS will return false if the camera cannot see the object (even if there is a clear line-of-sight outside the camera's view). Also, three picks will be made at top, middle, and bottom. If any of the picks are unobstructed then HasLOS will return true.


bool Function HasLOS(ObjectReference akOther) native


  • akOther: The object to check line-of-sight to.

Return ValueEdit

True if this actor has line-of-sight to the object.


; Can the player see bob?
if (Game.GetPlayer().HasLOS(Bob_Alias.GetReference()))
  Debug.Trace("The player can see Bob")

See AlsoEdit