OnStoryServedTime - Quest
Member of: Quest Script
Event called when this quest is started via a served time story manager event.
Event OnStoryServedTime(Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold, int aiDaysJail)
- akLocation: The Location where the jail is.
- akCrimeGroup: The crime group whose jail the player was put in.
- aiCrimeGold: The amount of crime gold the jail is for.
- aiDaysJail: How many days the player was in jail for.
Event OnStoryServedTime(Location akLocation, Form akCrimeGroup, int aiCrimeGold, int aiDaysJail)
Debug.Trace("The player served his time in a jail owned by " + akCrimeGroup + ". It took " + aiDaysJail + " days.")