PlaySyncedAnimationAndWaitSS - ObjectReference
Member of: ObjectReference Script
Plays two animations at once and waits for behavior graph events from each. Note that if the first animation fails to fire, the second animation will still play, and the function will still return success. Also, if the first animation fails to play, it won't listen for the event from the first animation.
bool Function PlaySyncedAnimationAndWaitSS(string asAnimation1, string asEvent1, ObjectReference akObj2, string asAnimation2, string asEvent2) native
- asAnimation1: The animation to play on this object.
- asEvent1: The behavior graph event to listen for from this object.
- akObj2: The second object to play an animation on.
- asAnimation2: The animation to play on the second object.
- asEvent2: The behavior graph event to listen for from the other object.
Return ValueEdit
True if either of the animations are fired off (or both). Only returns false if both animations fail to start.
; Have Bob and Jane both play cheering animations at the same time, waiting for "done" from each
Bob.PlaySyncedAnimationAndWaitSS("cheer", "done", Jane, "cheer", "done")