Select Triangle by Index


Navmesh > Select Triangle by Index

  • Select Triangle by Index opens the Select Triangle Window, which is used for finding warning triangles (triangles that generate warnings in the Navmesh due to overlap or other errors).

"Ctrl+F" will bring up the Select Triangle window. (Note that Navmesh editing needs to be enabled for this shortcut to work.)

The Check Navmesh Dialog

Select Triangle WindowEdit

Selecting Triangles:

  • NavMesh Form ID: Editor ID of the NavMesh. This will be automatically provided if you have selected a triangle from a NavMesh in the render window.
  • Triangle Index: The triangle to select. This will be automatically provided if you have selected a triangle from a NavMesh in the render window.
  • Go To: This button will select and center the render camera on the specified triangle.

Checking for Warnings:

  • Check Navmeshes: Scans for all warning triangles. A dialog window will display with the option of deleting all triangles with warnings.
  • Delete Warning Triangle: Deletes the selected warning triangle.
  • Next Warning: Cycles between warning triangles.

Any modifications made to the navmesh will invalidate the results of the check. This is simply resolved by running the check over again. This is a useful for workflow when checking a navmesh that may have several errors - Check, do not delete bad triangles, next warning, manually fix triangle, repeat.