SetProjectileSpeed - PO3 SKSEFunctions

SKSE Member of: PO3_SKSEFunctions

Sets the speed of the projectile set in the first parameter. (This function requires PowerOfThree's Papyrus Extender)


Function SetProjectileSpeed(Projectile akProjectile, float afSpeed) global native


  • akProjectile : The projectile whose speed is to be changed.
  • afSpeed: The new value to assign the projectile.

Return ValueEdit



; Make an iron arrow move extremely slowly, and a daedric arrow nearly hitscan.
projectile property ArrowDaedricProjectile auto
projectile property ArrowIronProjectile auto

PO3_SKSEFunctions.SetProjectileSpeed(ArrowIronProjectile, 1)
PO3_SKSEFunctions.SetProjectileSpeed(ArrowDaedricProjectile, 9999999)


  • This function changes the speed of the projectile's form and not its specific instance.
    • This means the above script will apply its changes to all instances of iron and daedric arrows, and not a specific one.

See AlsoEdit