SetUnconscious - Actor
Member of: Actor Script
Set or clear this actor's unconscious status. Unconscious actors cannot move or "think" - pick packages, yell alarms etc.; actors also cannot be talked to or pickpocketed in this state.
Function SetUnconscious(bool abUnconscious = true) native
- abUnconscious: Whether to set or clear the unconscious state.
- Default: True
Return ValueEdit
; Set Stony to be unconscious
; Clear Stony's unconscious status
- Actors cannot be unconscious and restrained in the same time - flaging the actor as unconscious unflags it as restrained, and vice versa.
- Unconscious actor can detect the player, but cannot react to his actions - for instance, stealing while being detected by an unconscious actor does not trigger steal alarm; moreover, the actor will not trigger steal alarm if become "conscious" afterwards.
- Unconscious actor does not become hostile if attacked in unconscious state, but, unlike the stealing case, will be hostile if become "conscious" afterwards.