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'''SKSE Member of:''' [[ObjectReference Script]]
Returns the N'th form within a container relative to the total number acquired with [[GetNumItems - ObjectReference|GetNumItems]]. (This function requires SKSE)
== Syntax ==
<source lang="papyrus">
Form Function GetNthForm(Int Index) Native
== Return Value ==
Returns the N'th form in the calling container.
== Notes ==
* The Index of a form in the container is relative to the number of form types regardless of the count of any particular form. If a container has only ten gold and a torch, [[GetNumItems - ObjectReference|GetNumItems]] will return '2' and not '11', so passing '3' as the Index argument of GetNthForm in such a case would return NONE.
== Examples ==
* Check a single container.
<source lang="papyrus">Form kForm = MQ101AlduinREF.GetNthForm(0)</source>
* Set the weights of all ingredients in player's inventory to 0.1.
<source lang="papyrus">Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
Event SomeEvent()
ReweighIngredientsIn(PlayerREF, 0.1)
Function ReweighIngredientsIn(ObjectReference akContainer, Float fWeight) Global
Int iFormIndex = akContainer.GetNumItems()
While iFormIndex > 0
iFormIndex -= 1
Form kForm = akContainer.GetNthForm(iFormIndex)
If kForm.GetType() == 30 ; Ingredient
== See Also ==
*[[ObjectReference Script]]
*[[GetNumItems - ObjectReference|GetNumItems]]
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