Difference between revisions of "Mod Merging"

125 bytes added ,  21:40, 16 October 2024
xedit merging
(Merging plugins has been easy and possible for quite some time, this needed an update.)
(xedit merging)
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If you are working on a modding project with multiple modders and your mod is very complex and does not merge easily using the existing methods, you may consider taking turns working on the file.  One modder at a time would work on it while the others would refrain from working on it since anything they built would be very hard to merge in.  Alternately, you may figure out what types of work you are doing that are easy to merge.  One modder at a time would work on the main file with all of its difficult-to-merge content, and the other modders would build pieces of the mod that you had proven were easy to merge to the main file.
If you are working on a modding project with multiple modders and your mod is very complex and does not merge easily using the existing methods, you may consider taking turns working on the file.  One modder at a time would work on it while the others would refrain from working on it since anything they built would be very hard to merge in.  Alternately, you may figure out what types of work you are doing that are easy to merge.  One modder at a time would work on the main file with all of its difficult-to-merge content, and the other modders would build pieces of the mod that you had proven were easy to merge to the main file.

== X-edit merging ==
You can merge files using XEdit with the latest update. Follow the process given in their release notes.

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