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<source lang="papyrus">
Float Function GetEffectiveSpellCost(Actor akActor, Spell[] akSpells, Spell akSpell, String asSkillName, Float[] afBaseSpellCost)
; Technical Notes :
; Equipment and daul cast is not taken into account for it's difficult to get an item's enchantment magnitude.
; Dual cast needs to be taken into account some other way as there is no script function to detect dual casting.
; Returns the effective spell cost for the passed in spell that's been modified by skill level and perks if any.
; Well return -1.0 if actor or spell is none or the passed in spell was not found in the spell array.
; = Variables =
Float fBaseCost
Float fPerkMulti = 0.50
Float fEquipMulti ; when necessary and/or is easy to figure out
Float DualCast = 2.8 ; spell cost is multliplied by this amount
Float fSkillMulti =  1 - (math.pow((akActor.GetActorValue(asSkillName) / 400), 0.65))
Int iPerkIndex
Int iPerks = akPerks.Length
; =============
; = Strings ===
String sDestruction = "Destruction"
String sAlteration = "Alteration"
String sConjuration = "Conjuration"
String sIllusion = "Illusion"
String sRestoration = "Restoration"
if (akActor == none)
return -1.0
if (akSpell == none)
return -1.0
Int i
Int index = akSpells.Length
; We need to get the base spell cost for the passed in spell.
if akSpells.Find(akSpell)
Int iSpellIndex = akSpells.Find(akSpell)
fBaseCost = afBaseSpellCost[iSpellIndex]
Float fEffectiveCost = fBaseCost * fSkillMulti * fPerkMulti as int ; removes the decimal.
return fEffectiveCost
return - 1.0

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