Difference between revisions of "Atom Setup"

1,390 bytes added ,  17:35, 22 October 2015
Added Mod Organizer information
(Added Mod Organizer information)
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"errorMatch": "\n(?<file>[A-Za-z0-9_:\\-\\.\\/ \\\\]+\\.(psc|PSC))\\((?<line>[0-9]+),(?<col>[0-9]+)\\)"
"errorMatch": "\n(?<file>[A-Za-z0-9_:\\-\\.\\/ \\\\]+\\.(psc|PSC))\\((?<line>[0-9]+),(?<col>[0-9]+)\\)"
After placing the .atom-build.json file there, any of the scripts you open in Atom will be able to be compiled simply by pressing '''Ctrl-Alt-B'''.<br />
After placing the .atom-build.json file there, any of the scripts you open in Atom will be able to be compiled simply by pressing '''Ctrl-Alt-B'''.<br />
If there are errors during compilation, clicking a filename in the build output window will take you directly to the spot in your code in which the error occurred. '''Ctrl-Alt-G''' will also jump between any errors.
If there are errors during compilation, clicking a filename in the build output window will take you directly to the spot in your code in which the error occurred. '''Ctrl-Alt-G''' will also jump between any errors.
=== Mod Organizer ===
One of the most common problem modders have with Mod Organizer is getting Papyrus compilation working correctly. Setting up Atom to work with Mod Organizer is simple. You do '''not''' need to launch Atom through Mod Organizer. Instead, just place the above '''.atom-build.json''' file in the mod directory that you're working on, e.g. '''Mod Organizer\mods\Ultra Cool Mod\Scripts\Source'''. Some tweaking to the file needs to be done, namely changing the -import and -output parameters. Using the prior mod example, your import and output lines would look similar to this:
<pre>"-import=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mod Organizer\\mods\\Ultra Cool Mod\\Scripts\\Source;Data\\Scripts\\Source;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Dawnguard;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Dragonborn;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Hearthfire",
"-output=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mod Organizer\\mods\\Ultra Cool Mod\\Scripts",</pre>
If your scripts depend on another mod, just add its script source directory to the -import parameter as well, after your mod's directory, but before the Skyrim and DLC directories. Example:
<pre>"-import=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mod Organizer\\mods\\Ultra Cool Mod\\Scripts\\Source;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mod Organizer\\mods\\Some Other Mod\\Scripts\\Source;Data\\Scripts\\Source;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Dawnguard;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Dragonborn;Data\\Scripts\\Source\\Hearthfire",</pre>

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