Difference between revisions of "Bug Exterior Models Not Showing"

No change in size ,  15:10, 12 February 2012
→‎The Bug: gah typo
(Solution for disappearing statics in exterior cells)
m (→‎The Bug: gah typo)
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=The Bug=
=The Bug=
This is bug you will encounter if you are following the Lokir's Tomb tutorial, specifically [[Bethesda_Tutorial_World_Hookup|this step]]. You will also encounter this anytime you place a large static in an exterior cell, such as a farm house, or ship.  When you place the pieces in the editor, they will show just fine, like this: [[image:rcfTowerInEditor.jpg]]
This is a bug you will encounter if you are following the Lokir's Tomb tutorial, specifically [[Bethesda_Tutorial_World_Hookup|this step]]. You will also encounter this anytime you place a large static in an exterior cell such as a farm house or ship.  When you place the pieces in the editor, they will show just fine, like this: [[image:rcfTowerInEditor.jpg]]

But when you get into game, this is what you'll probably see: [[image:rcfTowerInGame.jpg]]
But when you get into game, this is what you'll probably see: [[image:rcfTowerInGame.jpg]]
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