Talk:GetRace - ActorBase
Current Race vs Original RaceEdit
Trying to determine what an actors race was before they became a vampire - the race it reverts to when you cure yourself. Has anyone done any testing between Actor.GetRace() and ActorBase.GetRace()? Race forms have the Morph Race field which may indicate to the game what to revert to, but there is no method in Vanilla nor SKSE currently for finding what the morph race is set to.
--Darkconsole (talk) 2015-08-10T20:03:32 (EDT)
Use GetActorBase.GetRace(). This is how Beth did it in the script. Alternatively you could store the race before the change to a variable and just check the variable, which was done for Varkas(?) when you see him transform into a werewolf for the first time. The procedure though is the same for the two beast races. --Terra Nova2 (talk) 2015-08-14T08:02:21 (EDT)