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It's not clear what 'Target Luminance' refers to, since it's no longer in the Imagespace dialog. It may be related to the Eye Adapt Strength or Recieve[sic] Bloom Threshold (which were not in the original description), or it may be an experimental feature which was cut from the editor (as the notes seem to imply). I left it here in case it turns out to be useful/important and needs to be restored. As it is, it's just confusing.

*'''Target Luminance:''' The luminance the scene will adapt towards.
**If the actual scene luminance is lower than this value the brightness will adapt higher to simulate the eye getting used to seeing in low light.
**If the actual scene luminance is higher than this value the brightness will adapt lower to simulate the eye getting used to seeing in bright light.
**I want to try making this value a range so that a luminance within the range doesn't adapt higher or lower.

--TheMagician 15:27, 22 February 2012 (EST)

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