Tutoriels vidéo/fr

Tutoriels vidéo


Cette page donne la liste des tutoriels video officiels de Bethesda et de tutoriels non officiels issus de la communauté des modeurs utilisant le Creation Kit. Tous les tutoriels qui utilisent un logiciel tiers, seul ou en complément du Creation Kit, sont indiqués comme « Avancé » . L'utilisation d'un logiciel tiers se fait à vos risques et périls, et Bethesda Game Studios n'est pas responsable des dommages qu'il pourrait en résulter.

Tutoriels OfficielsEdit

Note - Lorsque c'est possible, les compagnons vidéo sont donnés en lien hupertexte dans leur page correspondante du tutoriel. La série de tutoriels video est disponible par une playlist sur youtube pour une projection en continu.

  1. Introduction au Creation Kit
  2. Construction basique I
  3. Construction basique II
  4. Le bazar (Clutter)
  5. Les grilles de déplacement (Navmesh)
  6. Rencontres basiques
  7. Trappe, pièges préfabriqués et activation en cascade (parenting)
  8. Portails et optimisation
  9. Eclairage
  10. Raccordement au monde

Tutorials vidéo communautaires - Listés par ordre alphabétique de leur créateurEdit

Tutoriels de Alexander J. Velicky :

  1. Worldspace LOD (Avancé)

Tutoriels de Azurech :

  1. YouTube Show - Skyrim Creation Kit (German)

Tutoriels de Balok :

  1. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Getting Started (Débutant)
  2. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Cropping and Scaling your Screenshot in GIMP (Débutant)
  3. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Use filters in GIMP to customize your Screenshot (Débutant)
  4. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Creating Normal Maps for your painting in GIMP (Débutant)
  5. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Getting your custom art into the Creation Kit (Débutant)
  6. Skyrim Custom Oil Paintings - Loose Ends and final thoughts (Débutant)

Tutoriels de Baratan :

  1. Creating a Merchant NPC (No Audio)

Tutoriels de Best in Slot :

  1. Creating and Adding NPCs
  2. Creating and Adding Weapons/Armour
  3. Building a Dungeon
  4. Adding Clutter to Dungeons
  5. Creating Cave Systems
  6. Connecting Dungeons To The World
  7. Creating a Follower
  8. Creating A Merchant
  9. Making Navmesh
  10. Enemy Encounters
  11. Creating New Spells
  12. Lighting and FX
  13. Basic Papyrus Scripting
  14. Quest Dialogue
  15. Quest Scripting
  16. Quest Objectives

Tutoriels de Bottled Zebra :

  1. The Basics
  2. Interior Decorating

Tutoriels de Danatoth :

  1. How To Give the Player an Item from an NPC
  2. How To Make a Home Owner
  3. Making NPCs Carry Objects
  4. Setting up guards and a jail
  5. Making Npc's talk to each other

Tutoriels de DARKF0X127 Productions :

  2. Inn Keeper Tutorial
  3. House Creation 1: Building your House or Dungeon
  4. House Creation 2: Items and Lighting
  5. House Creation 3: Link to the World
  6. House Creation 4: Navmesh
  7. House Creation 5: Packages - Part I
  8. House Creation 6: packages - Part II
  9. Conjurable Creatures
  10. Create a Blacksmith
  11. Create a Fully Upgradable Weapon
  12. Create a Hireling
  13. Create a Bard

Tutoriels de DatenTheilt :

  1. Custom House Upgrade via NPC

Tutoriels de Dfac364 :

  1. Create a Training Room
  2. Fast Retextures for Dummies

Tutoriels de Doug's Quest Creation :

  1. Quest Starting Scene
  2. Extending the Quest
  3. Forcing the Player to Act
  4. Custom Quest AI
  5. A Courier Quest

Tutoriels de Elec08215 :

  1. Creation Kit - Papyrus: Basic Teleport Spell Tutorial

Tutoriels de GKalian's Russian :

  1. Intro (Вступление)
  2. Basics (Основы)
  3. Simple location (Создание простой локации)
  4. Grid (Сетка)
  5. Landscape Editor (Редактор ландшафта)
  6. World Space (Закрытые миры) (with english subs)
  7. Import Heightmap (Импортирование карты высот)
  8. Making LODs (создание лодов)
  9. Creating and adding Weapon (Создание и добавление оружия)
  10. Creating Merchant (Создание торговца)
  11. Creating Weapons Rack and Plaque (Создание стендов и стоек для оружия)
  12. Creating Mannequins (Создание манекена)
  13. Creating Display Case (Создание витрин)
  14. Lighting and FX-effects (Освещение и FX-эффекты)
  15. Navmeshes(Навмеши)
  16. Small advice and traps (Небольшой совет и ловушки)
  17. Quest Creation - Part 1 (Создание квеста - часть 1)
  18. Quest Creation - Part 2 (Создание квеста - часть 2)
  19. Quest Creation - Part 3 (Создание квеста - часть 3)
  20. Quest Creation - Part 4 (Создание квеста - часть 4)

Tutoriels de glocklan2 :

  1. New Worlds and Landscaping
  2. Flat worlds and More Tips

Tutoriels de H4wkeye :

  1. Custom NPC Merchant (No Audio but Subtitles)

Tutoriels de HarleyVATS :

  1. Creating Unique and New Species using existing models.

Tutoriels de hellcat5 :

Tutoriels sur le système de menus du Creation Kit :
  1. menu system: file menu and properties
  2. menu system: edit menu, batch actions, all hotkeys
  3. menu system: view menu
  4. menu system: world menu
  5. menu system: navmesh menu
  6. menu system: character menu, perk editing
  7. menu system: gameplay editing and form validation
Tutoriels sur la fenêtre des objets du Creation Kit :
  1. object window: actors
  2. object window: audio
  3. object window: character
  4. object window: items
  5. object window: magic
  6. object window: miscellaneous
  7. object window: specialEffect
  8. object window: world data
  9. object window: world objects
Tutoriels de dépannage :
  1. Managing and Troubleshooting Mods
  2. troubleshooting audio after renaming topics in a dialogue
  3. optimization: validating room marker and portal alignment
  4. navmesh: pathing test and finalizing
  5. quest: debugging a quest model
  6. quest: debugging quest alias order
Tutoriels "Creating Custom Followers From Scratch" :
  1. creating followers from scratch - part 1
  2. creating followers from scratch - part 2
  3. creating followers from scratch - part 3
  4. creating followers from scratch - part 4
  5. creating followers from scratch - part 5
  6. creating followers from scratch - part 6
  7. creating followers from scratch - part 7
  8. creating followers from scratch - part 8
  9. creating followers from scratch - part 9
  10. creating followers from scratch - part 10
Tutoriels de Voix-Off :
  1. Advanced Voice Overs for Skyrim
  2. voice types and LIP files
  3. recording voice overs
  4. adding someone's voice overs into the game
Tutoriels de Base (mis à jour fréquemment):
  1. creating a property in script
  2. how to make a dragon sit using packages
  3. creating a package to program NPC behaviors
  4. creating a lighting template
  5. creating image spaces
  6. controlling gamebryo animations with activators
  7. partial word searches on creationkit.com
  8. scripting traps
  9. 31 lights in a room
  10. analysis of bethesda's courier process - detailed
  11. creating a light switch - detailed
  12. creating a light switch
  13. creating and understanding weapons racks
  14. how to make an NPC give you an item through quest dialog
  15. Creating a Race in Skyrim
  16. creating a .BSA file manually
  17. adding depth to your dungeon with image space
  18. Creating Ambushes
  19. Adding Triggers to Objects
  20. Building Mannequins - Detailed
  21. Building Mannequins - short version
  22. Adding Armor to Mannequin using Quest Alias
Tutoriels sur le Story Manager :
  1. Managing Quests with the Story Manager
  2. Making Locations for the Story Manager
  3. Chaining Quests in Story Manager
  4. Where to Add Your Nodes in Story Manager
Tutoriels de Programmation Orientée Objet :
  1. Object Oriented Programming 101 for Scripters
  2. Object Oriented Programming 102 for Scripters
  3. Object Oriented Programming 103 - Functions
  4. Object Oriented Programming 104 - arrays
  5. Object Oriented Programming 105 - type casting
  6. object oriented programming 106 - default values
  7. object oriented programming 107 - events
  8. object oriented programming 108 - expressions
  9. object oriented programming 109 - flags
  10. object oriented programming 110 - identifiers
  11. object oriented programming 111 - Keywords
  12. object oriented programming 112 - understanding language reference notation
  13. object oriented programming 113 - Literals
  14. object oriented programming 114 - operators
  15. object oriented programming 115 - properties
  16. object oriented programming 116 - statements
  17. object oriented programming 117 - how to layout a script
  18. object oriented programming 118 - programming with states
  19. object oriented programming 119 - Variables
  20. object oriented programming 120 - scope
  21. object oriented programming 121 - objects

Tutoriels de Jim Lawrence :

Quest Aliases:
  1. Aliases: Why They Are Important

Tutoriels de LeckerHamster :

  1. Weapon Model+Textures+Import part 1 (Avancé)
  2. Weapon Model+Textures+Import part 2 (Avancé)
  3. Weapon Model+Textures+Import part 3 (Avancé)
  4. Weapon Model+Textures+Import part 4 (Avancé)

Tutoriels de LouisAT444 :

  1. Custom House Basics
  2. Gizmos Summary & Active Files
  3. Connecting to Skyrim with Load Doors
  4. Connecting to Skyrim & Map Markers
  5. Custom House Furnishing
  6. Altering Weapon Stats
  7. Creating A Mannequin
  8. Creating a Bookshelf
  9. Creating a Display Case
  10. Creating a Custom Book
  11. Creating an Ore Vein
  12. Creating Weapon Racks & Plaques
  13. Water
  14. Exterior Worldspace Generation
  15. Weather & Climate Basics

Tutoriels de M1LL3R B0Y :

  1. Installing the Creation Kit
  2. Getting Started
  3. Making an NPC
  4. Making a Follower
  5. Making a Merchant
  6. Making a Quest (Part 1)
  7. Making a Quest (Part 2)
  8. Making a Quest (Part 3)
  9. Making a Quest (Part 4)

Tutoriels de Mrpigrizzla :

  1. Creating a Teleport stone to anywhere

Tutoriels de Player Two :

  1. Weather - Part 1
  2. Weather - Part 2
  3. Weather - Part 3

Tutoriels de presidentevil4zombie :

  1. Basics
  2. Making a Custom Weapon
  3. Position, Rotation, Scale of Objects
  4. Making Rooms

Tutoriels de R3NNW :

  1. Creating a Player Bookshelf (Removed from YouTube)

Tutoriels de So Much Monsters :

  1. How To Make New Recipes and Items with the Creation Kit
  2. How to Create Unique Armors in Skyrim!
  3. How To Get Custom Weapons into Skyrim (Avancé)
  4. How To Get Custom Weapon Blood Effects into Skyrim (Avancé)
  5. How To Get Custom Armor into Skyrim I (Avancé)
  6. How To Get Custom Armor Into Skyrim II - Weight Sliders (Avancé)

Tutoriels de Syneris :

  1. Adding Perk Ranks and New Perks to Skill Trees

Tutoriels de thekarithian :

  1. World Building: L3DT to Skyrim (Avancé)

Tutoriels de Wheeze201 :

  1. Beginner tip for seamless cave rooms
  2. Method to fix Z-Fighting/Texture Glitches in the CK

Tutoriels de Yotrig :

  1. Get Custom Models in Skyrim (Avancé) (pre-CK)
  2. Get Custom Models in Skyrim (Avancé) (post-CK)
  3. Explination/tutorial of how Skyrim handles character models (Avancé)

Langues : English  • français