UnequipItemEx - Actor
SKSE Member of: Actor Script
Forces this actor to equip the specified item at the specified slot.
Function UnequipItemEx(Form item, int equipSlot = 0, bool preventEquip = false) native
- item - The Form of the item to equip.
- equipSlot - The slot of the item you wish to unequip
- Default Slot = 0
- Right Hand Slot = 1
- Left Hand Slot = 2
- preventEquip - If true, will prevent equipping of the item for the actor.
;Force the player to unequip swordProperty from the Default slot
; Force Terion to unequip a Dagger from his Left hand and prevent it being requipped.
Terion.UnequipItemEx(DaggerProperty, 2, True)
- If the Specified form is not in the specified slot then the function will fail.