Wander (Procedure)
Actor aimlessly meanders within a specific location.
- The actor will move to the specified Location.
- The actor will exhibit wandering behavior within the specified radius of the given location.
The procedure completes:
Never completes.
- Location (Location): Specifies where to wander. Will wander within the specific radius if a location data type is used.
- PreferredPathOnly (Bool): If true, actor will pick points on a preferred navmesh triangle to wander to, unless it can't find any, in which cast it will ignore this setting.
- RideHorseIfPossible (Bool): If true, will ride horse if possible.
- MinimumDistance (Float): The minimum distance from his current position that the actor will pick to wander to.
- Almost always Sandboxing is preferred to wandering.
See Also
- ??? None.