Form Script
Native base script for every form in the game.
ScriptName Form
Global Functions
Member Functions
int Function GetFormID()
- Returns this form's form ID.
int Function GetGoldValue()
- Returns this form's value in gold.
bool Function HasKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Returns if this form has the specified Keyword attached.
Function PlayerKnows()
- Is the "Known" flag set on the form?
Function RegisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, string asEventName)
- Registers this form to receive the specified animation event from the specified object.
Function RegisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Registers this form to receive gain and lost LOS events between the viewer and the target.
Function RegisterForSingleLOSGain(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Registers this form to receive a single LOS gain event when the viewer sees the target.
Function RegisterForSingleLOSLost(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Registers this form to receive a single LOS lost event when the viewer loses sight of the target.
Function RegisterForSingleUpdate(float afInterval)
- Registers this form to receive a single update event in the specified time.
Function RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(float afInterval)
- Registers this form to receive a single update event in the specified number of game hours.
Function RegisterForSleep()
- Registers this form to receive sleep events for when the player goes to sleep or wakes up.
Function RegisterForTrackedStatsEvent()
- Registers this form to receive tracked stats events for when tracked stats are updated.
Function RegisterForUpdate(float afInterval)
- Registers this form to receive update events with the specified interval, or changes the update interval.
Function RegisterForUpdateGameTime(float afInterval)
- Registers this form to receive update events with the specified interval in game time hours, or changes the update interval.
Function StartObjectProfiling()
- Starts profiling all scripts attached to this form.
Function StopObjectProfiling()
- Stops profiling all scripts attached to this form.
Function UnregisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, string asEventName)
- Unregisters this from from receiving the specified animation event from the specified object.
Function UnregisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Unregisters this form from any LOS events between the viewer and target.
Function UnregisterForSleep()
- Unregisters this form from sleep events.
Function UnregisterForTrackedStatsEvent()
- Unregisters this form from tracked stats events.
Function UnregisterForUpdate()
- Unregisters this form from update events.
Function UnregisterForUpdateGameTime()
- Unregisters this form from game time update events.
- Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
- Received when one of animation events we are listening for is recieved.
- Event OnAnimationEventUnregistered(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
- Received when one of the animation events we are listening for has been automatically unregistered by the game due to the target animation graph unloading.
- Event OnGainLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Received when the viewer goes from not seeing the target to seeing the target - if this form is registered.
- Event OnLostLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Received when the viewer goes from seeing the target to not seeing the target - if this form is registered.
- Event OnSleepStart(float afSleepStartTime, float afDesiredSleepEndTime)
- Received when the player goes to sleep.
- Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted)
- Received when the player wakes up or is interrupted in sleep.
- Event OnTrackedStatsEvent(string asStat, in aiStatValue)
- Received when tracked stats are updated.
- Event OnUpdate()
- Received at periodic intervals, if the form is registered.
- Event OnUpdateGameTime()
- Received at periodic intervals of game time, if the form is registered.