RegisterForActorAction - Form
Revision as of 04:49, 31 July 2013 by imported>CraftySentinel (Clarified warning.)
SKSE Member of: Form Script
Registers the calling form to listen for the specified actor action via OnActorAction.
Function RegisterForActorAction(int actionType) Native
RegisterforActorAction(0);Registers the form for Weapon Swings
- The following actionTypes are valid:
- 0 - Weapon Swing (Melee weapons that are swung including Hand to Hand.)
- 1 - Spell Cast (Spells and staves).
- 2 - Spell Fire (Spells and staves).
- 3 - Voice Cast.
- 4 - Voice Fire.
- 5 - Bow Draw.
- 6 - Bow Release.
- 7 - Draw Begin.
- 8 - Draw End.
- 9 - Sheathe Begin.
- 10 - Sheathe End.