RemoveItem - ObjectReference

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Member of: ObjectReference Script

Removes X of the specified item from this reference's inventory, possibly silently.


Function RemoveItem(Form akItemToRemove, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false, ObjectReference akOtherContainer = None) native


  • akItemToRemove: The item (or base form) to remove from this reference's inventory. If a reference is passed, the reference is deleted once it's removed.
  • aiCount: How many references to remove.
    • Default: 1
  • abSilent: If true, no message will be printed to the screen
    • Default: false
  • akOtherContainer: If not None, the removed item(s) will be moved into this ref's inventory
    • Default: None

Return Value



; Take away an apple

; Remove 50 gold from the player
Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(GoldBase, 50)


  • The function accepts a form object, however you can't make a property to a form object, you need to create a property to another type of object that extends form. Most often a MiscObject, or Weapon, etc.
  • If you pass in a form list, it will remove aiCount of each item in the form list from the container. If there isn't aiCount of a particular item in the container, it will remove all of them.

See Also