I've been modding my games since TES 3.
Since I'm know learning programming(and for a good reason), one goal I have in mind is to share what I know.
Unit Converions
The Unit page lists the Skyrim Unit to metric/imperial conversions, centimeters to inches is obvious, though it doesn't list the calculations when going to feet, so here it is: FT = Unit * 0.046875 --Rasikko (talk) 2018-01-10T12:18:45 (EST)
Time Functions
Various functions for calculating time in skyrim. Most use GetCurrentGameTime - Utility as it returns the total game days passed. Making it easier for conversions.
This simple function converts days passed into hours passed.
Float Function GetGameHoursPassed()
; Converts the game days passed to game time hours.
return Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24
This function takes the game days passed and converts them into minutes passed.
Float Function GetGameMinutesPassed()
; Converts the game days passed to game minutes passed.
return Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24 * 60
This function does a few mathematical steps before arriving to the result:
1. The days passed is turned into a whole number and divided by 7 with the remainder being the day of the week.
2. The days passed is turned into a fraction of a day and then converted into the hours passed since that day started.
3. Result from Step 2 is added to the result of Step 1.
Float Function GetGameHoursPassedForWeek()
; returns the total hours passed for the current week.
; Get the current time(it's actually how many game days have passed).
Float CurrentGameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
; Get hours passed since sundas.
return (((CurrentGameTime as Int) % 7) + ((CurrentGameTime - CurrentGameTime as int) * 24)) as Float
To get the total real minutes passed since the game started, you do the following:
Game.GetRealHoursPassed() * 60
To get the total game minutes passed since the game started, you do the following:
(Game.GetRealHoursPassed() * 60) / (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000003A, "Skyrim.ESM") as GlobalVariable).GetValue() ; Timescale global
To get the total game hours passed since a game month has started:
Float Function GetGameHoursPassedForMonth()
; Returns the number of hours passed for the current month.
Float CurrentGameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
return (((Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000037, "Skyrim.ESM") as GlobalVariable).GetValue() * 24) + ((CurrentGameTime - CurrentGameTime as int) * 24)) as Float
Note: The function may be faster to use the GameDay global as a property and simply call GetValue on it than using GetFormFromFile - Game and reduce number of casting. I used GetFormFromFile simply because it keeps my code(s) as small as possible on this page.
To get the current hour and the minutes for that day(the fraction of minutes is converted to actual minutes).
Float Function GetGameTimeOfDay()
; returns the game time for the current day.
Float CurrentGameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
Float GameTimeOfDay = (CurrentGameTime - CurrentGameTime as int) * 24
return GameTimeOfDay as int + (((GameTimeOfDay - GameTimeOfDay as int) * 60) / 100)
Having a little more fun with time. This function returns how many days have passed for the current year. This works by first checking if the year is greater than 4E 201. Then subtracts the current number of days passed from the number of total days passed for 4E 201, which is 134. Taking in account for starting year:
Int Function GetDaysPassedForYear()
; returns the number of days passed for the current year.
Int CurrentGameTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() as int
if (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000035, "Skyrim.ESM") as GlobalVariable).GetValue() as int > 201
return (CurrentGameTime - 134) / 30 * 30 as int
return CurrentGameTime