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Skyrim Dirty Plugins List

From the CreationKit Wiki
Revision as of 08:59, 14 October 2012 by imported>Sharlikran
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Note: Since this is a wiki and anybody can edit it, the original author of this article cannot verify that the mods on the list are all truly clean, not clean, but most are, probably, maybe.

Quick List of What & What Not to Clean

List of Mods Needing Cleaning

This list is NOT comprehensive. It is merely here to point out some of the more popular mods that definitely need cleaning. Any mod not on this list and not on the Clean list may need cleaning.

Cautionary note: Keep unaltered backup copies of your DLC files somewhere safe in case you need to reinstall them. These are much more difficult to replace from an online source!

Also note: since this is a wiki and anybody can edit it, the original author of this article cannot verify that the mods on the list are all truly clean. But most are, probably, maybe.

List of Mods Already Clean

List of Mods You Should NOT Clean

There are a very small number of mods out there that contain "dirty edits" intentionally. One reason for this is to sort of do a preemptive strike to combat against truly "dirty" mods that might cause problems. There are other reasons too. The bottom line is do NOT clean the mods below.