UnequipItem - Actor

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Revision as of 06:03, 2 March 2013 by imported>Terra Nova (→‎Notes: Added confirmation that this works for Ammo objects(DwarvenArrow, EbonyArrow, etc))
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Member of: Actor Script

Forces this actor to unequip the specified item, preventing equipping if requested. Updated to remove the item from the left hand weapon slot too.


Function UnequipItem(Form akItem, bool abPreventEquip = false, bool abSilent = false) native


  • akItem: The item the actor should unequip.
  • abPreventEquip: If true, prevents the actor (or player) from equipping the item.
    • Default: False
  • abSilent: Should the unequip message be silenced?
    • Default: False

Return Value



; Force the player to unequip the tutu - but they can equip it

; Force Sally to unequip the dress - but they can't equip it
Sally.UnequipItem(DressProperty, true)


  • abPreventEquip does not seem to work as described when used on NPCs. They seem fully capable of re-equipping items unequipped with this flag set to true. More testing is needed.
  • abPreventEquip works for the Ammo objects. Enemy archers are left there holding their bow, unable to do anything. However as noted above, this does not work for Weapon objects.

See Also