Where is the Race Form in the CK?
Simple question. Where does one find races in the CK, other than the All* category of the Object Window? --Tox2ik (talk) 17:56, 10 January 2013 (EST)
- Object Window > Character > Race - JustinOther (talk) 18:01, 10 January 2013 (EST)
Analysis of undocumented settings
Some Race settings are not sufficiently documented on this wiki. This list shows what races, if any, use those settings. Perhaps it could help someone identify the settings' function.
- Tilt Front/Back
- This does not have anything to do with enabling Y-rotations. Perhaps this is meant to accommodate races that have feet but don't use foot IK? This seems to be enabled for most races that have legs but aren't (typical) bipeds.
- BearBlackRace
- BearBrownRace
- BearSnowRace
- C06WolfSpiritRace
- CartHorseRace
- ChaurusRace
- ChaurusReaperRace
- ChickenRace
- CowRace
- DA03BarbasDogRace
- DeerRace
- DogCompanionRace
- DogRace
- DwarvenSpiderRace
- ElkRace
- FoxRace
- FrostbiteSpiderRace
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge
- GoatRace
- Notably, the flag isn't enabled for the GoatDomesticsRace variant.
- HareRace
- HorkerRace
- HorseRace
- MammothRace
- MG07DogRace
- MudcrabRace
- SabreCatRace
- SabreCatSnowyRace
- SkeeverRace
- SkeeverWhiteRace
- WhiteStagRace
- WolfRace
- DLC1_BF_ChaurusRace
- DLC1ChaurusHunterRace
- DLC1DeathHoundCompanionRace
- DLC1DeathHoundRace
- DLC1DeerGlowRace
- DLC1HuskyArmoredCompanionRace
- DLC1HuskyArmoredRace
- DLC1HuskyBareCompanionRace
- DLC1HuskyBareRace
- DLC1SabreCatGlowRace
- DLC2AshHopperRace
- DLC2BoarRace
- DLC2ExpSpiderBaseRace
- DLC2ExpSpiderPackmuleRace
- DLC2FakeCoffinRace
- This dummy race is part of the mechanism used to implement an unused detection effect. It's an invisible race to which a particle shader can be applied.
- DLC2MountedRieklingRace
- Notably, other Riekling races don't use this flag.
- DLC2MudcrabSolstheimRace
- Tilt Left/Right
- This does not have anything to do with enabling X-rotations. Perhaps this is meant to accommodate races that have feet but don't use foot IK? This seems to be enabled for large monsters, insects and similar races, and races with more than four legs.
- ChaurusRace
- ChaurusReaperRace
- DwarvenSpiderRace
- FrostbiteSpiderRace
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge
- MammothRace
- MudcrabRace
- DLC1_BF_ChaurusRace
- DLC1ChaurusHunterRace
- DLC2AshHopperRace
- DLC2ExpSpiderBaseRace
- DLC2ExpSpiderPackmuleRace
- DLC2MudcrabSolstheimRace
- Always Use Proxy Controller
- This is only enabled for some dragon races, including all dragons defined in Skyrim.esm.
- AlduinRace
- DragonRace
- UndeadDragonRace
- DLC1UndeadDragonRace
- DLC2DragonBlackRace
- Notably, the dlc2SpectralDragonRace does not use this flag.
- Base Mass
- This is set to 1.00 for all races not listed here, including all humanoids. If this value does influence physics, it doesn't do so on its own; chickens and hares have the same Base Mass values as Storm Atronachs and non-snow bears.
- AlduinRace: 7.00
- Other dragon races are set to 4.00 as indicated below.
- AtronachFrostRace: 4.00
- AtronachStormRace: 3.50
- BearBlackRace: 3.50
- BearBrownRace: 3.50
- BearSnowRace: 3.75
- C00GiantOutsideWhiterunRace: 4.00
- CartHorseRace: 3.50
- ChaurusRace: 2.00
- ChaurusReaperRace: 3.50
- ChickenRace: 3.50
- CowRace: 3.50
- DeerRace: 2.00
- DragonPriestRace: 3.50
- DragonRace: 4.00
- DwarvenCenturionRace: 4.00
- DwarvenSphereRace: 3.50
- DwarvenSpiderRace: 1.50
- ElkRace: 2.00
- FrostbiteSpiderRace: 0.25
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant: 4.00
- FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge: 3.50
- GiantRace: 4.00
- GoatDomesticsRace: 0.50
- GoatRace: 0.75
- HagravenRace: 1.50
- HareRace: 3.50
- HorkerRace: 3.50
- HorseRace: 3.50
- IceWraithRace: 3.50
- MagicAnomalyRace: 3.50
- MammothRace: 4.00
- MudcrabRace: 0.25
- RigidSkeletonRace: 1.20
- SabreCatRace: 3.50
- SabreCatSnowyRace: 3.50
- SkeeverRace: 0.10
- SkeeverWhiteRace: 0.10
- SkeletonNecroRace: 0.75
- SkeletonRace: 0.75
- SlaughterfishRace: 0.25
- SprigganMatronRace: 2.00
- SprigganRace: 2.00
- SwarmRace: 0.10
- This unused race is a Witchlight variant.
- TrollFrostRace: 3.50
- TrollRace: 3.50
- UndeadDragonRace: 4.00
- WerewolfBeastRace: 1.50
- WhiteStagRace: 2.00
- WispRace: 0.10
- These are Wispmothers.
- WispShadeRace: 0.10
- These are illusions created by Wispmothers. Think of the Wizzrobe mini-bosses in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D.
- DLC1_BF_ChaurusRace: 2.00
- DLC01SoulCairnBonemanRace: 0.75
- DLC1BlackSkeletonRace: 0.75
- DLC1ChaurusHunterRace: 2.00
- DLC1DeerGlowRace: 2.00
- DLC1GargoyleRace: 1.50
- DLC1GargoyleVariantBossRace: 1.50
- DLC1GargoyleVariantGreenRace: 1.50
- DLC1LD_ForgemasterRace: 4.00
- This is a unique Steam Centurion.
- DLC1SabreCatGlowRace: 3.50
- DLC1SoulCairnSkeletonNecroRace: 0.75
- DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored: 3.50
- DLC1TrollRaceArmored: 3.50
- DLC1UndeadDragonRace: 4.00
- DLC1VampireBeastRace: 1.50
- SprigganEarthMotherRace: 2.00
- DLC2AcolyteDragonPriestRace: 3.50
- dlc2AshGuardianRace: 3.50
- DLC2dunKarstaagIceWraithRace: 3.50
- DLC2DwarvenBallistaRace: 3.50
- DLC2ExpSpiderBaseRace: 0.25
- DLC2ExpSpiderPackmuleRace: 0.25
- DLC2GhostFrostGiantRace: 6.00
- DLC2LurkerRace: 4.00
- DLC2MiraakRace: 3.50
- DLC2MudcrabSolstheimRace: 0.25
- DLC2RigidSkeletonRace: 1.20
- DLC2SeekerRace: 4.00
- dlc2SpectralDragonRace: 3.50
- DLC2SprigganBurntRace: 2.00
- DLC2WerebearBeastRace: 1.50
- DLC2DragonBlackRace: 4.00
- AlduinRace: 7.00
DavidJCobb (talk) 2015-04-29T22:21:15 (EDT)
PC Specific?
Is there a way to make changes here specific to player character, rather than all members of the race?
I want to grant perks at player creation based on race selected. Is that doable via creation kit?
Ideally, I would add perks independent of skill points or prerequisites -- I read that adding perks like this via console can cause problems, though. And I'd like to create some unique active effects based on race, for example Khajit take 1/2 falling damage.
- This wiki rarely get any contributors, it's unlikely you'll get any answers besides mine. You can try using OnPlayerLoadGame - Actor and check if the player is any of those races and then apply your changes. You'll need to go here to seek more info:,419 or here:,419 depending on which version you're modding.