Bug list
You can check the discussion in the official forum here
- Interior cell has a static rm limit
- Load door in interior cell that connects to load door in exterior cell causes ctd
- Cow same exterior cell causes blue screen
- Video showcasing the bug
- Forum discussion
- One of the solutions for this problem:
Create a new small cell (duplicate interior cell), this is important, make it small and put a XMarkerHeading in the middle, name it SafeXMarkerHeading, see picture:
Put 2 load doors in your interior cell and 2 load doors in your worldspace. Let's consider the front door the one that we can see the door texture, the other is the back door. Link your back door from the interior cell with the back door of your worldspace with teleport, don't flag the teleport marker of your front doors. Don't forget to put your teleport markers in front of the front door, final work should look like this:
Now you just have to put this script in the front door of your interior cell, no need to put it in the worldspace front door, just in the interior cell one, edit properties in the ck, DoorRef it's the interior cell back door (this is important, the script is inside the front door but DoorRef property is the back door), press auto-fill for the SafeXMarkerHeading if you name it right it should appear, use FadeToBlack in the ImageSpaceToApply, see script and image:
Scriptname ACHDCVR_AH_PurgeExitScript extends ObjectReference
;Script author Amethyst Deceiver
;Black RL added imagespace to mask moveto
ObjectReference Property SafeXMarkerHeading Auto
ObjectReference Property DoorRef Auto
ImageSpaceModifier Property ImageSpaceToApply Auto
{Use FAdeToBlackBackImod}
Event OnCellAttach()
If (GetOpenState() == 1)
State Idle
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
If (akActionRef == Player)
State Busy
Don't forget to finalize navmesh in your interior cell and worldspace or else it won't work for the NPC's! Final should look something like this:
Done! Go test ingame! ^^
For other load doors you just have to repeat this process. There may be other solutions, check the forums for them!