FadeOutGame - Game
Revision as of 08:36, 29 October 2013 by imported>Thingy Person
Member of: Game Script
FadeOutGame uses the in-game Fader menu to fade the game to black, or vice versa.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Function FadeOutGame(bool abFadingOut, bool abBlackFade, float afSecsBeforeFade, float afFadeDuration) native global
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- abFadingOut: Fades game out if true. Fades game in if false
- abBlackFade: Fade color is black if true, white if false
- afSecsBeforeFade: Number of seconds to wait before starting the fade-out / -in
- afFadeDuration: How long the fade takes (in seconds)
Return Value[edit | edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Spend 2 seconds on a black screen before fading in to the game over 1 second.
Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 2.0, 1.0)
Notes[edit | edit source]
- This function may not work properly; the black/white screen is instantly removed after the fade-in. It is recommended to crossfade an ImageSpace Modifier instead.