Справочник функций

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Functions are units of work that are larger than a single expression, and may take various parameters and return a value to their caller.

Function Definition[edit | edit source]

<function> ::= <function header>
               [<function block>

Function headers must always be followed by a block and an "EndFunction" keyword, unless they are native functions (which are exposed by the game).

Function Header[edit | edit source]

<function header> ::= [<type>] 'Function' <identifier> '(' [<parameters>] ')' ('global' | 'native')* <flags>*

A function header starts (optionally) with the return type of the function, and is then followed by the name of the function, its parameters (if any), and any modifiers and flags.

The identifier used to name the function cannot conflict with any other function in the current script. If the identifier matches a function in the parent script, then the return type and parameters much match the parent script's version of the function - and the function will override the parent's function.

The "Global" flag indicates a function that does not actually run on an in-game object, and has no "Self" variable.

The "Native" flag indicates a function that does not have a function body, because the function is implemented by the game itself. If you add the native flag to a function the game does not expose, the compiler won't complain, but the game will error at you. The same flag cannot be specified more then once.

InDepth.jpg If you're wondering what is a "Self" variable, it is a natural consequence of object oriented programming which propagates, along with everything else, the concept of a class and an instance of that class, also called an object. A very common example for explaining the class/instance relationship is the difference between a blueprint of a car and the actual car which is made from that blueprint. You can have a bunch of cars based upon a single blueprint. For anything useful, you can't know all the cars that are going to be created from your blueprint, so you need a method of determining upon which car has some function been invoked/used. To be direct, you can't turn on the radio of a blueprint, it's a piece of paper. But you can do it in a real car, made from the blueprint. One might tune in to a hard rock station. And another car could tune to a station that plays Rebecca Black's song "Friday" all day. Now, Replace the word "blueprint" with "class" and "car" with "instance/object" in your head. That difference is crucial, capture it. The way you find out which object is being possibly modified by a function is by silently pushing in an additional hidden parameter to a function which contains the memory address of the "victim" object, of the logical name "Self". In some languages, self is called this.

On a serious note, one could ask: "Why should I ever want to use this "Self" variable when I can simply change any variable I want directly? I know they exist in the blueprint, therefore they are also in the instance. That's the whole point, is it not?" Sort of, young samurai. But not really, everything you do actually is resolved by the compiler to use the this/self pointer. If you change an integer member variable something to 5, what you do is: "something = 5;". What actually happens internally is "self->something = 5;". Self is your silent guardian, a watchful protector... A dark knight.

Here's just a simple taste from general programming which includes Self's explicit usage, imagine that you've got a function invoked on an object (sometimes called a non-static member function/method or perhaps an instance-level member function/method) that takes a parameter that points to an object of the same class. And you want to make sure you're not being fed the very object the function has been invoked upon. That mouthful is referred to as "self-reference". With "Self", you can check whether pObject is equal to Self and prevent damaging or unnecessary code from executing. If you can't think of a useful application of this example, it comes in handy with dynamic memory management and functions called setters.

Here, let's pretend that you are trying to change an object crucial to your application and you want to release the old one because you're a good memory citizen who cares about his users and their limited memory resources. So, you want to first release the old object and then set the pointer to the new one, right? But what if a nasty scenario occurs where you replace the object with itself? You release the old object, set the pointer to the memory address of the "new" object (which is, actually, the old object), try to dereference it (a fancy word for "use it") and boom - a wild unicorn appears and destroys your application if you're lucky. Usually, the memory is just cleared to be overwritten, the system might not use it immediately, therefore, in some cases - your application could work and make your life miserable by reports of crashing. You made a dangling pointer which references an object that was released (by you, a moment ago). Do you, perhaps, see how you could solve this? Yes, exactly. If newObject is NOT equal to Self (newObject != Self), then release the object referenced by Self and change the Self pointer/variable to point to newObject (Self = newObject). And you've solved all of your life's troubles. Kittens are purring. Birds are singing. And gamers are cursing at the dragon that killed them because your game or mod is awesome.

Parameters[edit | edit source]

<parameters> ::= <parameter> (',' <parameter>)*
<parameter>  ::= <type> <identifier> ['=' <constant>]

The parameter list is a comma-separated list of types and identifiers that indicate the various parameters that a function takes. Each parameter may be optionally followed by an equals sign and a constant, which indicates that the parameter has a default value. If a parameter has a default value, every parameter after it must also have a default value.

Parameters are essentially variables the function has access to that the caller gives initial values to.

Function Block[edit | edit source]

<function block> ::= <statement>*

The function block contains zero or more statements. This performs the actual work of the function.

Examples[edit | edit source]

; A simple function that adds the two values together and returns the result
; Global, because it doesn't need a self variable
int Function AddTwo(int a, int b) global
  return a + b

; A function that increments a value on this script by the specified amount.
; The amount has a default value of 1 (so the caller doesn't have to pass it)
Function IncrementValue(int howMuch = 1)
  myValue += howMuch

Special Variables[edit | edit source]

There are two special variables in a function, but only in a non-global one. "Self" refers to the instance of the script that the function is running on, and is useful if you want to pass yourself as a parameter to another function somewhere else.

"Parent" is only used to call a parent script's version of a function, in the case where you extend the parent.

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Pass our self off to another function

; Call the parent's version of DoStuff, ignoring our local definition

Calling Functions[edit | edit source]

Global function:

[<identifier> '.'] <identifier> '(' [<parameters>] ')'

Non-global function:

[<expression> '.'] <identifier> '(' [<parameters>] ')'

Calling a function simply involves using the function's identifier, followed by parenthesis, and any parameters that the function takes. The return value of the function is the result of the function call and can be assigned to a variable, or used to call another function or property.

If you are calling a function from outside the current script or script fragment, note that no properties defined in the function's own script will be valid when it is called. Therefore you must pass any properties you wish to use in the function as parameters, defined in the calling script.

If you are calling a global function and the function's owning script isn't the current script or isn't imported, then you must prefix it with the name of the script the function resides in.

If you are calling a non-global function and it isn't on yourself, then you must prefix it with the object you want to call it on.

Parameters[edit | edit source]

<parameters> ::= <parameter> (',' <parameter>)*
<parameter>  ::= [<identifier> '='] <expression>

The parameter list is a comma-separated list of expressions in the same order as the parameters are listed in the function definition. If a parameter is optional, it does not have to be passed (the default value is inserted by the compiler into the call location). You may specify parameters out of order by prefixing the expression with the identifier of the parameter (matching the name of the parameter in the definition) followed by an equals sign.

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Call the function: MyFunction(int a, int b) and get the result and put it in x
x = MyFunction(1, 2)

; Call the function DefaultFunction(float a, float b, float c = 0.0, float d = 1.0) on MyObject,
; but only pass in the first three parameters
MyObject.DefaultFunction(4.0, 2.0, 1.0)

; Call the function DefaultFunction(float a, float b, float c = 0.0, float d = 1.0), but specify
; argument d out of order because we want c to keep the default it has
DefaultFunction(5.0, 2.4, d = 2.0)

; Call the global function MyGlobal() in the Utility script