AI Packages Tab

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The Actor AI Packages Tab lists all of the Actor's base packages.

AI Package List[edit | edit source]

This list contains a stack of Packages that the Actor will run under normal circumstances.

If an Actor is not in combat (or another interrupt state), they will periodically evaluate their packages and decide what to do.

  • Packages are evaluated from the top of the stack down. The first (topmost) package whose conditions are met will be run.
  • If this list is empty, or none of its packages are valid, the Actor will then evaluate the packages in the Default Package List, again from the top down.
  • If that list is empty, or none of its packages are valid, the Actor will just stand around.

Note that additional packages can be 'pushed' onto the top of this stack by Quest Aliases.

Package Override Lists[edit | edit source]

Default Package List[edit | edit source]

If none of the Packages in the AI Package List are valid, the packages in this list will be evaluated from the top down. This list often consists of just the Default Master Package.

Spectator Override Package List[edit | edit source]

Actors who witness a combat, but do not become involved in it (because they're Unaggressive, etc.) enter a special, code-driven Spectator Behavior. This suspends their usual package evaluation, and typically causes them to flee.

If there are any packages in this list, when the Actor enters the Spectator Behavior, these packages are evaluated from the top down. The first valid package will run instead of the usual Spectator Behavior. If none of these packages are valid, the Spectator Behavior runs as usual.

Observe Dead Body Override Package List[edit | edit source]

Actors who find a dead body enter a special, code-driven Observe Dead Body Behavior. This suspends their usual package evaluation, and typically causes them to walk over to the corpse and look at it.

If there are any packages in this list, when the Actor enters this behavior, these packages are evaluated from the top down, and the first valid package runs instead of the usual Observe Dead Body Behavior.

Guard Warn Override Package List[edit | edit source]

Actors in a Guard Package who enter the Warn behavior suspend their usual package evaluation, and typically stand in place and warn the player to leave the area.

If there are any packages in this list, when the Actor enters this behavior, these packages are evaluated from the top down, and the first valid package runs instead of the usual Warn Behavior.

Combat Override Package List[edit | edit source]

Actors who enter Combat suspend their usual package evaluation until combat has ended. Combat is controlled entirely by the game: while the properties (Combat Style, Equipment, Spells, etc.) you give the Actor will influence their behavior, the mechanics of combat are not something you can control.

If there are any packages in this list, when the Actor enters combat, these packages are evaluated from the top down, and the first valid package runs instead. With a handful of exceptions (such as the Hold Position Package), most combat override packages completely preempt combat. For example, if you add a Travel Package to this list, the Actor will not attack while he's moving to the specified position.

See Also[edit | edit source]

See the Packages page for more information.

Language: [[::AI Packages Tab|English]]  • [[::AI Packages Tab/fr|français]] • [[::AI Packages Tab/ja|日本語]]