Alias Script

Revision as of 04:44, 24 October 2013 by imported>CraftySentinel (Formatting Change)

Native base script for every alias in the game. Don't confuse this for ReferenceAlias Script which you are more likely to use.


ScriptName Alias



Global Functions


Member Functions

Function Description
Quest GetOwningQuest() Returns the Quest that owns this alias.
RegisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, String asEventName) Registers this alias to receive the specified animation event from the specified object.
RegisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Registers this alias to receive gain and lost LOS events between the viewer and the target.
RegisterForSingleLOSGain(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Registers this alias to receive a single LOS gain event when the viewer sees the target.
RegisterForSingleLOSLost(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Registers this alias to receive a single LOS lost event when the viewer loses sight of the target.
RegisterForSingleUpdate(Float afInterval) Registers this alias to receive a single update event in the specified time.
RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(Float afInterval) Registers this alias to receive a single update event in the specified number of game hours.
RegisterForSleep() Registers this alias to receive sleep events for when the player goes to sleep or wakes up.
RegisterForTrackedStatsEvent() Registers this alias to receive tracked stats events for when tracked stats are updated.
RegisterForUpdate(Float afInterval) Registers this alias to receive update events with the specified interval, or changes the update interval.
RegisterForUpdateGameTime(Float afInterval) Registers this alias to receive update events with the specified interval in game time hours, or changes the update interval.
StartObjectProfiling() Starts profiling all scripts attached to this alias.
StopObjectProfiling() Stops profiling all scripts attached to this alias.
UnregisterForAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, String asEventName) Unregisters this alias from receiving the specified animation event from the specified object.
UnregisterForLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Unregisters this alias from any LOS events between the viewer and target.
UnregisterForSleep() Unregisters this alias from sleep events.
UnregisterForTrackedStatsEvent() Unregisters this alias from tracked stats events.
UnregisterForUpdate() Unregisters this alias from update events.
UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() Unregisters this alias from game time update events.

SKSE Member Functions

Function Description
String GetName() Returns the name of the alias.
Int GetID() Returns the ID of the alias.


Function Description
OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName) Received when one of animation events we are listening for is received.
OnAnimationEventUnregistered(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName) Received when one of the animation events we are listening for has been automatically unregistered by the game due to the target animation graph unloading.
OnGainLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Received when the viewer goes from not seeing the target to seeing the target - if this alias is registered.
OnLostLOS(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget) Received when the viewer goes from seeing the target to not seeing the target - if this alias is registered.
OnReset() Event received when this object is reset (usually when the quest the alias is attached to starts up).
OnSleepStart(Float afSleepStartTime, Float afDesiredSleepEndTime) Received when the player goes to sleep.
OnSleepStop(Bool abInterrupted) Received when the player wakes up or is interrupted in sleep.
OnTrackedStatsEvent(String asStat, Int aiStatValue) Received when tracked stats are updated.
OnUpdate() Received at periodic intervals, if the alias is registered.
OnUpdateGameTime() Received at periodic intervals of game time, if the alias is registered.
