Creating a Planter
This tutorial requires the Hearthfire master file to be loaded with your mod.
Planters are a visually pleasant way for a player to customize the flora around them. This tutorial will show you how to add a working planter to your game.
Functional Planter ComponentsEdit
- Empty cell to contain all 'BYOHPlanterNPC'
- BYOHPlanterNPC > Under Actors\Actor.
- BYOHPlanterSoil > Under WorldObjects\Activator\_BYOH\Clutter\House Crafting.
- Glazed02PotteryBase01 > Under WorldObjects\Static\Clutter.
Setting up the PlanterEdit
Before beginning, it is helpful to note that there are three components that go into creating a basic fully functional planter:
- BYOHPlanterNPC
- BYOHPlanterSoil
- Any Pot (This may require further testing) (this tutorial will be using Glazed02PotteryBase01)
First, add a BYOHPlanterNPC to a new empty space. It can be located under Actors\Actor. (For easy reference, name the new space after the destination space, such as MyHome_Utility)
Second, add a Glazed02PotteryBase01 to the space where you want the actual planter to be. It can be located under WorldObjects\Static\Clutter.
Third, add a BYOHPlanterSoil and rescale as needed so that it fits comfortably inside the 'Glazed02PotteryBase' at the desired height of your soil. (0.2900 scale works well
for the 'Glazed02PotteryBase').
Fourth, Double click the BYOHPlanterSoil to open the edit window. Choose the Linked Ref tab, right click in the empty field, and choose new. The 'Choose Reference' window will open, change Cell to the utility cell that contains your BYOHPlanterNPC, select your BYOHPlanterNPC in the Ref drop down list, and choose OK.
The process is complete.
A Few NotesEdit
- You can have multiple NPCs on one 'Utility' cell
- Each soil object reference should have its own corresponding NPC object reference
- One 'Utility' cell can serve your entire mod of multiple cell locations
- It is good practice to name each soil and NPC object reference similarly for ease of modifying (IE: MyHomeSoil01 and MyHomePlanterNPC01)
Advanced SetupEdit
You can change which plants may be planted in the soil by making two new FormLists as follows
- Make a duplicate of flPanterPlantableItem which can be found in Miscellaneous\FormList.
- Make a duplicate of flPlanterPlantedFlora which can be found in Miscellaneous\FormList.
- Edit flPlanterPlantableItem and remove any items you do not wish the planter to ever contain. (IE: Remove FoodCotton to prevent cotton from being planted)
- Edit flPlanterPlantedFlora and remove any plants that match the items you removed from the 'flPlanterPlantableItem' list. (ie: Remove BYOHHouseFloraCabbage01 as FoodCotton was removed)
(I assume that as both of these are FormLists, that each line matches the same line in the other list. So make sure if you add an item, that the corresponding flora is added on the same number in the other list).
- Load the utility cell that contains the BYOHPlanterNPC.
- Double click the BYOHPlanterNPC. Choose the Scripts tab, click BYOHPlanterContainerScript then click Properties. Change the two FormLists at the top to your corresponding two FormLists that you just duplicated and modified. (Make sure the new item list matches with the flPlanterPlantableItem property and the flora list matches with the flPlanterPlantedFlora property)
- Load the cell that contains your Soil object.
- Double click the BYOHPlanterSoil. Choose the Scripts tab, click BYOHPlanterSoilScript then click Properties. Change the flPlanterPlantableItem property to your new duplicated version. (Make sure you use the item list and not the flora list)
You now have a special limited item planter.