ForceActorValue - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Forces the specified actor value to the passed-in value.


Function ForceActorValue(string asValueName, float afNewValue) native
Function ForceAV(string asValueName, float afNewValue)
  ForceActorValue(asValueName, afNewValue)


  • asValueName: The name of the actor value to force. Actor Value List
  • afNewValue: The new value to force the actor value to.

Return ValueEdit



; Force the player's health to 50
Game.GetPlayer().ForceActorValue("health", 50.0)

; Force Jake's health to 10
Jake.ForceAV("Health", 10.0)


  • This function modifies the current value as opposed to the base value. To set the base value, see SetActorValue - Actor.
    • To elaborate on that a bit, this function modifies the "permanent modifier" described in the Actor Value documentation, and that affects how the current value is computed. If an actor has a base health of 125 and you force their health to 0, then the permanent modifier will be set to -125, and their current health will become 0. If you then set the base health to 150, they will still have a permanent modifier of -125, so their current health will instantly become 25 (150 - 125).

See AlsoEdit