GetLightModCount - Game

SKSE Member of: Game Script

Returns the number of light mods currently active. (This function requires SKSE)


int Function GetLightModCount() native global

Return ValueEdit

Returns the number of light mods currently active.


int Numberoflightmods
String Nameofmod
String NameofAuth
String Description

Function PrintModlist()
	Numberoflightmods = Game.GetLightModCount() ;The number of active mods.
	while NumberofMods
		Numberoflightmods -= 1
		Nameofmod = Game.GetLightModName(NumberofMods) ;Gets Name of Mod eg. Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Hearthfire.esm, etc.
		NameofAuth = Game.GetLightModAuthor(NumberofMods) ; If a Author is specified then it will return a name if not will be blank
		Description = Game.GetLightModDescription(NumberofMods) ;If a Description is available then it will be shown otherwise will be blank
		Debug.Trace(NumberofMods + "th index contains " + NameofMod)
		Debug.Trace("Author: " + NameofAuth)
		Debug.Trace("Description: " + Description)


  • By the number of mods, it refers to the number of plugins with the ESL flag set in the load order, as mods can have multiple .esps or .esms the number that is returned can be higher than actual mods.

See AlsoEdit