OnCombatStateChanged - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Event called when this actor's combat state changes.


Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)


  • akTarget: The Actor that this actor is targeting. May be None if this actor is leaving combat.
  • aeCombatState: The combat state we just entered, which will be one of the following:
    • 0: Not in combat
    • 1: In combat
    • 2: Searching


Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
  if (akTarget == Game.GetPlayer())
    if (aeCombatState == 0)
      Debug.Trace("We have left combat with the player!")
    elseif (aeCombatState == 1)
      Debug.Trace("We have entered combat with the player!")
    elseif (aeCombatState == 2)
      Debug.Trace("We are searching for the player...")


  • This event will not work to detect when the player changes combat states. It can only detect combat state changes for other actors.
  • Bleeding out fires this event with CombatState = 0
  • Combat state changes can only be detected by an Actor that is on the ground in contact with a navmesh. State changes cannot be detected on dragons while still in flight.

See AlsoEdit