SetRelationshipRank - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Sets the relationship rank between this actor and another.


Function SetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther, int aiRank) native


  • akOther: The other actor to determine our relationship with.
  • aiRank: The relationship rank to set between this actor and the other.
    • The following values are acceptable: (Will eventually be an enum)
      • 4: Lover
      • 3: Ally
      • 2: Confidant
      • 1: Friend
      • 0: Acquaintance
      • -1: Rival
      • -2: Foe
      • -3: Enemy
      • -4: Archnemesis

Return ValueEdit



; Set the fan's relationship with the player to archnemesis
AnnoyingFan.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), -4)


Relationship data is NOT stored for Templated Actors, and any scripts that would set relationship data on a Templated Actor will get wiped once your game session is over (which obviously has bad implications for Save/Load).

See AlsoEdit