Sound Script

Extends: Form Script (Papyrus)

Script for the manipulation of sound base objects.


ScriptName Sound extends Form



Global FunctionsEdit

SetInstanceVolume(Int aiInstanceID, Float afVolume)
  • Modify the volume of a playing sound instance. Values outside of 0.0 - 1.0 will be clamped.
StopInstance(Int aiInstanceID)
  • Cause the given playback instance to cease playback. The next time the sound is played it will have a new instance ID.

Member FunctionsEdit

Int Play(ObjectReference akSource)
  • Plays this sound from the specified source object. The returned integer is the playback instance ID, which can be used to control the sound after it has been started.
Bool PlayAndWait(ObjectReference akSource)
  • Plays this sound from the source object, and waits for the sound to finish.

SKSE Member FunctionsEdit

SoundDescriptor GetDescriptor()

